To add a new goal plan, click on the button on the main screen toolbar. To edit its data, select it in the list of records and click on the button.
The following sections will be available on the goal plan data screen:

Note: To create a goal plan, the required fields in the General data section must be completed. After saving the data for the first time, the other sections will be available to be filled out.
General data
ID #
This field will be filled in with a sequential number generated by the system and may be edited. In this case, enter another number or code to identify the goal plan or, if you prefer, use the arrow next to this field to generate a new sequential number.
Enter a name for the goal plan being added.
In the Frequency type field, select one of the following options to set the execution frequency of the goal plan:
Execution date: The execution frequency will be based on the date of the last execution of the goal plan. To do that, configure the following fields that will be enabled:
▪Frequency: Enter the number of days, weeks, months, or years that will make up the interval between the goal plan executions. ▪In advance: Enter the number of days, weeks, months and years before the execution deadline for the Goal plan start task to be generated for the due responsible parties. ▪Next execution: Enter the date of the next goal plan execution. This field will only be enabled when the goal plan is added. Uncontrolled frequency: The responsible party can start the execution of the goal plan as they judge necessary. In this case, the "Goal plan start" task will not be generated.
Responsible team
Select the team that will be responsible for the goal plan. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new team and set it as the responsible team and clear the field.
Last execution
Displays the date of the last execution of the goal plan (after this operation is performed).
Use route to draft goals
Check this option so that goals are drafted through a specific draft route for the execution of the goal plan in question. In this case, set:
Route type: Determine whether the route will be Fixed, Fixed & unique, or Variable.
Responsibility route: Find and select a responsibility route previously recorded in the system; it will set the process for drafting the execution of the goal plan in question. For more specific details, access the Responsibility route section.
Individual preparation
Requires individual goal preparation
Check this option in order for individual goal preparation to be required. In this way, after the general goals are configured, the system will allow configuring the individual preparation of each employee's goals in the cycle in question.
After the planning or draft of the goals is finished, the system will change the execution status of the goal plan to the individual preparation step. In this way, the Individual goal preparation task will be generated so that the party responsible for the preparation of each employee can set the latter's individual goals for the cycle in question. By default, said party will be the immediate leader of each employee, but can be changed by the team responsible for executing the goal plan.
Allow goal evaluation
Check this option so that it is possible to evaluate the goal plan in question. When this option is checked, fields will be enabled so that the default proficiency scale can be set, which will be used in the goal plan evaluation.
Allow changing the proficiency scale: Check this option so that the set scale can be changed when the goal is created. In this way, it will be possible to use a different scale in specific goals.
Fill in this field to record important notes on the goal plan.
Use this section to add the employees to whom the goal plan will be applied. Additionally, configure the following field for filtering:
Minimum time in the organization: Use the available fields to set the minimum number (of days, months or years) corresponding to how long the employees, to be added next, must be working in the organization in order for them to be assigned the goal plan in question.
On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to associate the employees who must be assigned the goal plan in question. See further details about this operation in the Associate evaluated users, topic below.

Click on this button to disassociate from the goal plan the record selected in the list.

Click on this button to view the data of the record selected in the listing.
Associate evaluated users
To associate the employees to whom the goal plan applies, click on the button on the side toolbar and, on the selection screen that will open, take the following steps:
In the Control field, select one of the following options to set the applicability of the goal plan:
It applies to all users who have access to SE Competence.
Organizational unit
It applies to users of a particular business unit/department of the organization.
It applies to the users who exercise a determined position in the organization.
It applies to the users of a determined department of the organization who exercise a specific position.
It applies to a specific user.
It applies to the members of a team already created in SE Competence.
According to selected access type, Search fields will be enabled to be filled out. Use them to facilitate the search of users who will be evaluated through the plan in question.
If the Organizational unit option is selected in the "Control" field, the hierarchy of business units and the departments belonging to them (if any) will be displayed.
Check the business units and/or departments to which the goal plan is applicable. By checking the "Consider sublevels" option at the bottom of the screen, the system will also consider the organizational units that are down in the hierarchy of the selected organizational unit. Note that by checking this option, if new organizational subunits (whether they are business units or departments) are subsequently added, they will be automatically added to the applicability list.
Next to the hierarchy, the system also makes available buttons that allow you to check all the sub-levels of a particular organizational unit or uncheck all sub-levels. Note that, by using the "Check all sub-levels" button, if new organizational sub-levels are subsequently added, they will not be included in the applicability list.
Then, click on the button on the toolbar of the selection screen. Based on the control selected and the values entered in the search fields, the result will be displayed in the list of records, on the lower part of the screen. Select the ones to which the goal plan is applicable. Use the SHIFT or CTRL key on the keyboard, or the check mark next to each item, to select more than one record at once.
After performing the necessary configurations, save the selection.
In this section, it is possible to view the execution cycles through which the goal plan has gone or is going. Use the button on the side toolbar to view the data screen of the execution cycle selected in the list of records.