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Media burning

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Media burning

Who is notified:

Responsible users for media burning, specified in record retention schedule associated with the category of the document that will have its media recording registered.


The media burning form receiving is approved. If in General parameters the "Automatically send document to the archiving task after saving it in the system" is checked and the document is being sent to the first archiving step, this task will be generated and it will not be necessary to issue and receive the transfer form.


To keep a record of the media burning of documents registered in SE Document.


How to execute this task:



In the list of pending records, select the document whose media burning will be recorded. It is possible to record the burning of more than one document at a time. To do so, use SHIFT or CTRL keys or check next to each record.



1_auxnmbAfter that, click on the default button on the toolbar.



On the screen that will be opened, the following fields will be available:



Select the media to which the document was burned. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new media to which the document has been burned, to edit the data of the selected media or to clear the field.


Displays the current date, but it is possible to edit it. In that case, enter the date in which the document was burned to the previously selected media.

Media space has been exceeded

Check this option to indicate that the media storage space has been fully used. Thus, the media will no longer be available for burning. Keep this field unchecked if there is space available for use in the previously selected media.



Save the record after filling out the fields. Thus, the document will no longer be displayed in the list of pending records.


Through the Content tab of media data screen, it is possible to view the documents which had their burn to media registered. If archiving control has been configured in the media type, through its data screen, it is possible to view in which repository the media is stored.