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General considerations

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When filling out the search fields, some information must be taken into account:


What will be searched for?

The words entered are automatically searched in the title, description, and content of each electronic file/attachment of the records entered in the system. There are three ways to search for words:

Word as it is written and conditions set on it;

Phonetics (through the sound of words). E.g.: when the user types the word “phase”, the system will look for “phaze”, “faze”, "fase".


Truncation of words:

If the user is not sure whether the word is in the file content or the word has different suffixes, he may truncate it. To truncate is to replace the suffix by a wildcard character, to specify variations.


Wildcard characters

To facilitate a search, the words can be truncated, using the following wildcard characters: '*' (asterisk), to substitute a character sequence in a word. For example: When typing Cas* the result may return: case, casino, cash, castle, casual.


Word Priority:

For a word to be mandatory to appear in the search result, the '+' sign can be used. For example: + rule + law (both compulsory) rule + law (rule is optional and law is mandatory).


Eliminating documents with unwanted words

If you wish a word not to display in the search results, it is possible to use the - sign. For example: form- guide will retrieve documents with the word form, except those that have the word “guide”.


Boolean Search

To narrow the search even more, the user can combine the words using the boolean operators. They are:

AND: It is an intersection operator and returns necessarily all the words that can be combined through it. For example: disability AND pension, retrieves all the documents that comprise both words: disability and pension.

OR: It is a union operator and retrieves at least one of the words that have been combined through it. For example: crime OR offence, retrieves all the documents that contain crime or offence or bot.

NOT: It is an exclusion operator, which means it excludes from the search result the word that has been entered after it. For example: tax NOT rate, retrieves all the documents that contain the word tax except those that also have the word rate.


The Boolean operators:

Can be used together. Use also the parenthesis to group them with the words that will be searched. For example: (disability OR pension) AND (separation OR divorce).

Must always be written in UPPERCASE.


Search phrases

To search for multiple words as in a phrase, use quotation marks (" "). For example: "Federal Special Courts"