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System auditing

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Through this menu, it is possible to track the history of the operations performed in the documents created in the system, if a countersign was used to perform them, the date and time in which the operation was performed, the information of the document in which the operation was performed (such as category, ID #, title, and revision), the user who performed the operation (their name, host, IP address, and the department to which they belong), the explanation for the operation (if any), document distribution data (copy station, copy, duplicate copy, number of copies and edited number, storage place, and archiving status), as well as change information of the electronic file (if any).


If necessary, use the filters described below to locate the desired records through specific information. To use them, go to the Search filters panel and click on the button to add them.




After you complete the necessary filters, click on the Search button on the Search filters panel or press ENTER on the keyboard to perform the search. The result will be displayed on the right-side of the view screen.