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Training registration

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Training registration

Who is notified:

Users who have the "Create training" control enabled in the security list of the document that will be the training object. These users must have access to the Training planning and Training execution menus in the SE Training component to successfully execute this task. In order for this task to be generated, it is necessary for the SE Training component to be part of the solutions acquired by your organization.

Members of the organizational unit control team (SE Administration), who have the "Create training" control enabled in the document security (SE Document).

Members of the team defined in the Training control of the category when it is configured for a specific team to create the document trainings.


The revision of a document is approved or released, according to the configuration performed in the document category.


To train the employees on the content of a document. The deadline to execute this task is configured in the category of the document to which it will be recorded. Note that it is possible to configure different deadlines for critical and noncritical trainings.


How to execute this task:



Use the Training registration Status filter in the first quadrant to filter the documents by the employees that were not evaluated and/or failed the training. Use the other advanced filters to easily locate the desired record.



In the list of records in the second quadrant, the document to which trainings must be created will be displayed. Select the desired record.



In the list of records of the third quadrant, the users that have the "Create training" control enabled in the security list of the document selected in the second quadrant are displayed. Select the desired users. Hold the CTRL and SHIFT keys down or check next to each user to select more than a record at a time.



Next, click on the button on the third quadrant side toolbar and select the desired option:

Add training planning: The system will display the screen to add a training in the planning step for the selected users. Refer to the Adding a training section of the specific SE Training documentation for further details on how to perform this operation.

Add training execution: The data screen to add a training directly in the execution step for the selected users will be displayed. Refer to the Adding a training section of the specific SE Training documentation for further details on how to perform this operation.



After saving the record of the option selected previously, the users and the document will no longer be displayed in the list of pending records.


The deadline to execute this task is configured in the Training control in the category of the document to which the training will be created. Note that it is possible to configure different deadlines for critical and noncritical trainings.

If the "Revision requires training" option is checked in the document revision, whenever it goes through a revision, this task will be sent to the responsible parties.

If the "Keep current revision training record task" option is checked in the document category and it is configured that the revision will start after the approval and there is a training to be recorded regarding the current (released) revision, the system will keep the training related to the current revision and create a new one related to the new revision that was approved. If this option is not checked, the system will only keep the training task related to the new revision that was approved, deleting the task related to the current revision.

When the training is invalidated, cancelled, or the participant is not approved, this task is generated again for the planning or execution team to become aware of the fact that the user needs a new training. Also remember that, if the user has already participated in the training in question, has been approved, and the training has not been invalidated or cancelled, the last conducted training will be taken into consideration.


Specific buttons:

Click on this button to view the data screen of the document selected in the list of records. Refer to the SE Document component specific documentation for a detailed description of the survey template data screen.

Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.

Click on this button and on the screen that will open, locate and select the course you wish to associate with the document selected in the list of records. Thus, the document will become the object of the course to which it was associated. Hold the CTRL and SHIFT keys down or check next to each course to select more than a record at a time. It is important to point out that this task cannot be executed if the document does not have an associated course. Through the "I" column, it is possible to identify the documents without an associated course.