The verification of electronic files consists of confirming that they are stored in the proper location (either controlled directory or database), whether they are in normal or compressed form, and whether they can be decompressed when they are stored in a compressed form. At the end of this process, in the VR column of the main screen list of records, the verification result will be displayed, identified by the following icons:
Verification result

Existing file
The electronic file is stored in the proper location.

File doesn't exist
The electronic file is not in the location expected by the system and it could not find it in any other registered controlled directory. In this case, manually check if the controlled directory is configured correctly or delete the electronic file from the document and associate it again.

Hash does not match
The electronic file was found in the location expected by the system, but the content of the file may be different from what was last saved by it. In this case, check the content of the electronic file.

Wrong location
The electronic file was not found in the location expected by the system, but it was able to find a file with the same name in the database or in another registered controlled directory.
To solve the problem, select the file with this result and click on the "Correct selected files" button on the main screen toolbar. At this point, the system will try to copy the file to the correct path. Thus, the file verification status will be updated.
If it is still not possible to correct the file path, the system will issue an alert about that fact.