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Configuring an actionable event

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To add a new actionable event, perform the following steps:


1.Access the Management Actionable event menu.


2.Click on the button on the main toolbar. To edit the data of the event, select it in the list of records and click on the button.


3.On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the actionable event.


4.Then, fill out the fields in the following sections:


General data

Responsible team: Define the team that will have access to list and edit the actionable event.

Allow executing the event manually: Check this option to enable the Execute event button on the event data screen. It will allow the event execution to start even beyond the period set in its configuration. The button will be available after the event goes through the Issue step.


Monitored objects

Association type: Choose whether the association will be of the Document type or the Category type.

Object: Select the document to which the event will be applied. Listed documents will correspond to the defined association type.

Click on the button to validate the defined monitored object.



Recurrence pattern: Define whether the event will be executed Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.

Every: After defining the period, choose the number of days, weeks, or months after which the event will be executed, or the day of the year.


Use the following fields: Starts on (Choose an item), Ends on (Choose an item), Starts on (DD/MM/YYYY), Ends after (Occurrences), and Ends on (DD/MM/YYYY) to define the exact dates on which the event will start and end for each of the documents associated with the Monitored objects section. Through the Starts on (Choose an item) and Ends on (Choose an item) fields, it is possible to define that the event will be actioned on the Document date and will end on its Validity date.



Use this section to configure the actions that will be taken once the event is executed. Each of these actions will be executed for each of the documents associated with the Monitored objects section.

Component: Choose the component to which the action that must be applied to the documents when the event is executed belongs.

Choose an item: Choose the action according to the options made available for each component. In the case of SE Configuration, it is possible to set an e-mail to be sent alerting the start of the event whenever it is executed. In the case of SE Workflow, it is possible to set a workflow, by process or by type, to start whenever the event is executed. After choosing the item, fields will be made available to be defined.

Add action: Click on this button to add the defined action.


5.Click on the Save button on the upper right corner of the screen. At this point, next to the Save button, the Send to scheduling button will be made available. Click on it to start the execution of the actionable event.