Location: File Object
▪Object type (SE Administration)
Through this menu, all the objects produced by the organization that will go through the FMEA process analysis are recorded. The main screen of this menu is displayed in three quadrants. The first quadrant displays the search filters panel. The second quadrant displays the objects and, finally, the third quadrant displays the revisions of the object selected in the second quadrant.
Specific Buttons:

Click on this button, located in the second quadrant, to add a new object. For further information on this operation, see the Creating an object section.

Click on this button, located in the third quadrant, to add a new object revision. For further information on this operation, see the Revising an object section.

Click on this button, located in the second quadrant, to delete an object. In the third quadrant, this button will be enabled when an object whose revision is in progress is selected, thus allowing to edit the data in the revision of the object. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.

Click on this button, located in the second quadrant, to delete the object. In the third quadrant, this button will be enabled when selecting an object, whose revision is closed, thus allowing to exclude the current revision of the object. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.

Click on this button, located in the third quadrant, to end a revision of an object. This button will be enabled when you select an object, whose revision in progress.

Click on this button, located in the third quadrant, to view revision data of an object. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.

Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.
Use the "Search filters" to easily retrieve records based on specific information.