Location: View Stratification
This menu displays the data stratification of FMEAs created in the system. This view allows the information of FMEAs to be grouped and analyzed graphically. Through this search, it is possible to carry out a survey of all the actions taken, as well as to perform a ranking of all actions by RPN taken to reduce the risks of failures in products, designs, processes, objects, and assets.
Specific Buttons:

When clicked, it loads SE Analytics for the result obtained from the search to be analyzed.

Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.

Click on the arrow placed on the right side of the button to change the screen layout to 3 quadrants. In the third quadrant, the details of the selected FMEA will be presented.

Click on the arrow placed on the right side of the button to change the screen layout to 2 quadrants.
Use the filters described below to locate the desired records through specific information. To use them, go to the Search filters panel and click on the button to add filters.
For further details about the "Search panel" and other view operations, refer to the "User guide Views" section.
Click on the Add attribute in the result button, select the attribute that will be displayed as a column in the list of records of the search and click on the Apply button. To add more than one attribute in this search, use the Add button at the bottom of the panel that will be displayed.
ID #: Enter the ID # of the FMEA to be searched.
Revision: Enter the revision number of the FMEA to be searched.
Customer: Enter the customer associated with the FMEA to be searched.
Type: Enter the FMEA type to be searched.
Start: Enter the start date of the FMEA to be searched.
End: Enter the end date of the FMEA to be searched.
Responsible team: Select the responsible team for the FMEA to be searched.
Status: Select the status of the FMEA to be searched.
Item: Select the item associated with the FMEA to be searched.
ID #: Enter the Item ID # associated with the FMEA to be searched.
Name: Enter the item name associated with the FMEA to be searched.
Process: Select the process associated with FMEA to be searched.
Revision: Select the process revision associated with the FMEA to be searched.
ID #: Enter the process ID # associated with the FMEA to be searched.
Name: Enter the process name associated with the FMEA to be searched.
Asset: Select the asset associated with the FMEA to be searched.
ID #: Enter the asset ID # associated with the FMEA to be searched.
Name: Enter the asset name associated with the FMEA to be searched.
Object status: Select the asset status associated with the FMEA to be searched.
Serial number: Enter the asset serial number associated with the FMEA to be searched.
Specification: Enter a specification (instrument, equipment, tooling, tool, computers, others) of the asset associated with the FMEA to be searched.
Responsible team: Select the team responsible for the asset associated with the FMEA to be searched.
Project: Select the design associated with FMEA to be searched.
Object: Select the object associated with FMEA to be searched.
Revision: Select the object revision associated with the FMEA to be searched.
Click on the Add attribute button and select the attribute, the operator, and a value for it. To use more than one attribute in this search, just click on the Add attribute button again and repeat the procedure described above.
Failure mode: Select the failure mode associated with the FMEAs to be searched.
Failure effect: Select the failure effect associated with the FMEAs to be searched.
Failure cause: Select the failure cause associated with the FMEAs to be searched.
Action: Select the action you wish to search.
Type: Select whether the action is corrective or preventive.
Status: Select the action status (Planning, Execution, Approval, Finished and/or Object) you wish to search.
Responsible team: Select the responsible team for the action you wish to search.
Deadline: Enter the date range covering the action deadline you wish to search.
Execution: Enter the date range covering the action execution you wish to search.
Approval: Enter the date range covering the action approval you wish to search.
Action executed by: Select the name of the user who performed the action you wish to search.
Approved: Select whether the action was approved or not.
RPN: Enter the interval that covers the RPN of FMEA that generated the action you wish to search.
Rev. RPN: Enter the interval that covers the revised RPN of FMEA that generated the action you wish to search.
RPN: Enter the range of values for the RPN rating (Risk Priority Number). This value defines the failure priority. It is used to sort (classify) the system errors.
SD: Enter the range of values for SD rating. This rating is obtained by an arithmetic combination between Severity and Detection.
SOD: Enter the range of values for SOD rating. This rating is obtained by an arithmetic combination between Severity, Occurrence, and Detection.
SxO: Enter the range of value for SxO rating. This rating is obtained by an arithmetic combination between Severity and Occurrence.
After entering the necessary filters, click on the SEARCH button on the "Search filters" panel to search or press ENTER on the keyboard. The result will be displayed on the right side of the view screen.