FMEA revision
Who is notified:
ISO9000 based:
▪Draft/Review/Approval/Release: Users defined as participants in the revision route associated with the document or users responsible for the activity execution of the process associated in the FMEA type. Remember that an FMEA may only be revised if its control has been configured on its type. ▪Closure: If the respective option is checked in the general parameters, the user who created the revision will receive this task. Otherwise, all users who have the "Revise" control enabled in document security will also receive it. This step will only be generated if it is configured that the revision closure will be manual in the FMEA type data screen. Workflow: Users defined as executors of the workflow activity. These users must have the "Revise" control allowed in document security.
ISO9000 based:
▪Draft: When starting a new revision or when a participant rejects a revision step. The drafter must view the FMEA data and, if necessary, make the necessary changes. ▪Review/Approval/Release: After the drafter releases its task. These steps are optional and those who are responsible for them will receive them exactly in this order. If there are disagreements regarding any changes or if there are any comments on the revision, critiques can be recorded and sent to the drafter. ▪Closure: After the execution of the last revision step, defined in the route. Workflow: When a new revision starts and when in the process flow, the activity should be executed.
To allow the FMEAs created in the system to be revised and closed, controlling changes and versions of the recorded FMEAs.
How to execute this task:
Select the desired FMEA from the list of pending records.
Use the toolbar buttons to make the necessary revision changes.
After that, click on the toolbar button. Fill in the following fields from the data screen that will be displayed:

It is worth remembering that in the process revision, clicking on this button will display the Workflow activity execution screen. See how to execute the task in the Revision process section.
The actions of approving or rejecting any revision step may require some fields to be obligatorily filled in according to the configurations set on the general parameters screen in SE FMEA.
The following tabs may be available on the screen:
General information about the revision release is available on the General tab:
Revision release
Select, in this field, the action that will be performed:
▪Accept revision: Check this field to accept the revision and send the record to the next step. Remember that in the DRAFT task this is the only option available. ▪Send back to draft step: Select this field to return the revision to the draft step. Do not forget to enter in the following field the critiques that should be solved by the revision drafter. Remember that this field will not be displayed in the DRAFT task. |
Critique (tab)
Use this tab to enter the necessary critiques about the revision.
Solution (tab)
If a responsible user returned the revision to the draft step with critiques, the drafter must use this field to enter the solutions. Remember that this field is valid when the revision returns with critiques to the DRAFT step.
The Change tab contains information about the changes made to the FMEA. If in the General parameters the Require changes from draft step to be filled out option is enabled, then the drafter must, necessarily, enter the changes, even if the changes have already been entered via revision data screen:
Location of the record where the change was made.
Description of the change made to the record.
The Checklist tab will only be displayed if the revision route defined in the revision data, has an associated checklist. The objective of this checklist is to assist the responsible party in approving or disapproving the record in question. To answer the checklist questions, select the desired option (Yes, No, or N/A) in the Answer column of the records list itself. The answers may already be filled with a default option, defined in the checklist file. Moreover, filling in the fields in the Comments column will be mandatory or not, according to the configurations established, also, in the checklist file.
Click on the button after entering the necessary fields. At this point, the action specified in the "Revision release" field will be performed. If there is more than one participant with the same sequence, when executing a revision step, the parameterization defined during the revision configuration will be applied.
If case more than one participant has been defined, the system uses the revision acceptance clause, defined in the FMEA type in question.