See how to configure the general parameters:
Click on "Configuration General parameters" menu to open a new screen.

The General tab makes available for configuration the following revision parameters of the items saved in the system:
Require critiques to be filled out when revision is rejected
As soon as a participant rejects the item revision, it will be necessary to enter the critiques.
It will not be necessary to enter critiques when rejecting an item revision.
Require critiques to be viewed/solved in the draft step
It will be required for the drafter to enter a solution to the critiques made by the reviewer/approver/releaser when the revision returns to the draft step.
It will not be mandatory to enter a solution for the critiques.
Require changes from draft step to be filled out
In the Revision draft step, the developer must necessarily enter the changes made to the item record.
The revision draft step may be sent to the next step without the need to enter the changes.
Item data
Enable responsible team to change released items that have revision control:
The responsible team may edit items out of the revision cycle.
The released items may only be edited after the creation of a new revision.
Revalidation deadline
Enter, in the __ days from item revision field, the number of days that the "Item revalidation" task will have as deadline to be executed.
Cost decimal places
Enter how many decimal places will be available, by default, in the value fields related to the costs.
The items saved in the system are revised through the Management Item revision menu.
After setting the desired configuration, save the general parameters.