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This section will only be displayed if selecting the option to copy the data from the activity. It may be displayed filled in with the resources of the standard activity; however, it will be possible to edit, delete, as well as add new resources.



Use this subsection to define the service center and the technician responsible for carrying out the activities of this plan. It will also be possible to program the number of hours the technician must use to perform the preventive maintenance.

Use the Resources estimate section to set an estimate of how many people are required per hour for each position. This estimate will be available for view in the preventive maintenance activity data, both in the planning (programming) step and in the execution step.  Refer to the Configuring activity resources section for more details on how to configure resources estimate.



Through this subsection, it will be possible to associate the tools (assets) that can be used by the activities of the plan in question. During the association, enter the Scheduled quantity of tools that can be used in the preventive maintenance.



Through this subsection will be possible to associate the supplies that may be used by the activities of the plan in question. During the association, enter the Scheduled quantity of supplies that can be used in preventive maintenance.


The details on how to associate resources (technical, tool, and supply) with the maintenance activity can be found in the Configuring activity resources section.