Navigation:  SoftExpert BPM Suite - Process Modeling > Process flowchart > Editing data of the activity/decision in the flowchart > Activity/Decision configurations >

Importing actions

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The system allows the users to create quickly actions to execute items of the activity/decision output flow. To do it, click on the import button and fill out the following fields on data screen that will open up:





Use the fields on the upper part of the screen to configure mandatory items that must be filled out during the execution of these actions.



On the Action to be added tab, select the activities/decisions, sub-processes or end points that will be used as a target for future actions that are being imported. It is possible to name each one of them in the records list itself, through the Name column. Remember that the system will list all items of the activity/decision output flow.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to associate all target activities/decisions of the actions to be imported.


Click on this button to dissociate all target activities/decisions of the actions to be imported.



Save the record.