Location: View Task
Through this menu, it is possible to search for all the nonproject (SE Time control) and project tasks added to the system, regardless of their status. Through the field located in the upper right part of this menu, it is possible to alter the search view between:
▪Summary: The tasks added to the system and the information related to their execution deadline are displayed. ▪Details: The tasks added to the system and the information related to their execution deadline, cost and allocated resources are displayed.
Specific buttons:

Click on the arrow next to this button and select the desired option to view the object data (project task) or to view the project data. Select the desired record before clicking on this button.

Click on the arrow next to this button and select the desired option to access the SE GanttChart or the project schedule to which the task selected in the list of records belongs. Note that these options will be available for viewing only.

Click on this button to use the Analytics resource to analyze the search result.

Click on the arrow next to this button to configure and issue the desired task report. This button also allows you to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, and it also searches for the parameters that can be used in the configuration of new reports.

Click on this button to access the risk plan created for the project which the task selected in the list of records belongs to. Note that this button will only be enabled for tasks whose project has a risk plan. Refer to the SE Risk component specific documentation for further details about risk plans.

Click on this button to change the main screen layout to three quadrants. When selecting this option, the third quadrant will display the details about the task selected in the list of records in the second quadrant.

Click on this button to change the main screen layout to two quadrants.
Use the filters described below to locate the desired records through specific information. To use such filters, go to the Search filters panel and click on the button to add filters.
For further details about the "Search panel" and other view operations, refer to the "User guide Views" section.
Check the Only favorite fields so that only the tasks classified as favorites are displayed in the search result. For more information, refer to the Search Filters View favorite records section.
WBS: Enter the WBS of the task that you wish to search.
ID #: Enter the ID # of the task you wish to search.
Name: Enter the name of the task you wish to search.
Type: Select the type that classifies the task you wish to search. This field is only enabled if the grouping of the "Select type" filter hierarchy is not Task type.
Department: Select the department which the party responsible for the task you wish to search belongs. This field is enabled only if the grouping of the "Select type" filter hierarchy is not Task department.
Responsible: Select the user responsible for the program you wish to search. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it with the logged-in user data and clear it.
Team: Select the team responsible for the task you wish to search.
Status: Expand the list and check the status that corresponds to the possible status of the task you wish to search. Use the other buttons on the side of the field to check all available options and clear the checked options.
Revision status: Expand the list and check the statuses that correspond to the possible status of the revision of project that belongs to the task you wish to search.
Billing: Expand the list and check the options that correspond to the billing of the task you wish to search.
Execution status: Select the option corresponding to the status in which the task execution you wish to search is located. This field will only be enabled if, in the Status field, the Execution option is checked.
Deliverable: Check this option if the project task you wish to search is a delivery.
Date change: Check the Only with rescheduled date notification option if the project task you wish to search is configured to send a notification when its dates are rescheduled.
Project: Select the project whose tasks you wish to search. Check the Display structure option so that if the project has sub-projects in its structure, the tasks of the subproject are also considered in the search result.
ID #: Enter the ID # of the project whose tasks you wish to search.
Name: Enter the name of the project whose tasks you wish to search.
Type: Select the type that classifies the project whose tasks you wish to search. This field is enabled only if the grouping of the "Select type" filter hierarchy is not Project types.
Template: Select the template from which the project whose tasks you wish to search has been created.
Department: Select the area to which the user responsible for the project whose tasks you want to search belongs to. This field is enabled only if the grouping of the "Select type" filter hierarchy is not Project department.
Responsible: Select the user responsible for the project whose tasks you wish to search. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it with the logged-in user data and clear it.
Team: Select the responsible team for the project whose tasks you wish to search.
Status: Expand the list and check the status that corresponds to the possible status of the project whose tasks you wish to search. Use the other buttons on the side of the field to check all available options and clear the checked options.
Revision status: Expand the list and check the statuses that correspond to the possible status of the revision of project whose tasks you wish to search.
Execution status: Select the option corresponding to the status in which the project execution is running whose tasks you wish to search. This field will only be enabled if, in the Status field, the Execution option is checked.
Priority: Select the priority of the project whose tasks you wish to search.
Calendar: Select the calendar used by the project whose tasks you wish to search.
Billing: Expand the list and check the options that correspond to the billing of the project whose tasks you wish to search. Use the other buttons on the side of the field to check all available options and clear the checked options.
Item: Select the item that was associated with the project whose tasks you wish to search.
ID #: Select the ID # of the request that was met by the project or task you wish to search.
Name: Enter the name of the request that was met by the project or task you wish to search.
Type: Select the type that classifies the request that was met by the project or by the task you wish to search. This field is enabled only if the grouping of the "Select type" filter hierarchy is not Request types.
Issue: Select the issuing Department or the Owner of the request that was met by the project or task you wish to search. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it with the logged-in user data and clear it.
Approved: Use the information related to who approved the request. To do that, in the respective fields, select the responsible user, the department, position or team that approved the request related to the task you wish to view. In the Satisfaction field, select the satisfaction level entered by the user who finished the request.
Period: In the Start date and End date fields, select the date range that covers the date on which the request that was met by the project or the task you wish to search was issued.
Click on the Add period button and select a task duration item (planned start date, planned end data, etc.) you wish to search, the operator, and another item for the duration of the task. To use more than one period in this search, use the Add period option at the bottom of the panel and repeat the procedure described before. Use the Add period with specific date button to use a specific item for the duration of the task in the search. After adding the desired periods, click on the Apply button.
Click on the Add period button and select a project duration item (planned start date, planned end data, etc.) whose tasks you wish to search, the operator, and another item for the duration of the project. To use more than one period in this search, use the Add period option at the bottom of the panel and repeat the procedure described before. Use the Add period with specific date button to use a specific item of the project duration in the search. After adding the desired periods, click on the Apply button.
Meeting: Select the meeting that is related to the task you wish to search.
ID # Enter the meeting ID # related to the task you wish to search.
Name: Enter the name of the meeting related to the task that you wish to search.
Status: Expand the list and check the status corresponding to the possible status of the meeting related to the task that you wish to view. Use the other buttons on the side of the field to check all available options and clear the checked options.
Place: Enter the location of the meeting related to the task you wish to search.
Participant: Select a meeting participant related to the task you wish to search. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it with the logged-in user data and clear it.
Note taker: Select the user note taker of the meeting related to the task you wish to search.
Scheduled period: Select in the Start and End fields the range of data that it covers the scheduled meeting data related to the task you wish to search.
Execution period: Select in the Start and End fields the date range that covers the actual dates of the meeting related to the task you wish to search
Comments: Enter the comments saved in the meeting data related to the task you wish to search.
Subject: Enter the subject of the meeting related to the task you wish to search.
Decision: Enter the decision saved in the minutes of the meeting related to the task you wish to search.
Search in: Expand the list and check the desired options to locate the task based on its costs and/or revenues. At this point, the other fields will be enabled:
Finance title: Enter the title of the cost or revenue of the task you wish to search.
Doc. #: Enter the document number that refers to the cost or revenue of the task you wish to search.
Planned period: Select in the Start and End fields the date range that covers the planned date of the cost or revenue related to the task you wish to search.
Rescheduled period: Select in the Start and End fields the date range that covers the rescheduled date of the cost or revenue related to the task you wish to search.
Execution period: Select in the Start and End fields the date range that covers the scheduled dates of the cost or revenue related to the task you wish to search.
Planned value: Select an operator and then enter the planned value for the cost/revenue reference of the task you wish to search.
Replanned value: Select an operator and then enter the replanned value for the cost/revenue reference of the task you wish to search.
Actual value: Select an operator and then enter the actual value for the cost/revenue reference of the task you wish to search.
Supply: Select the supply associated with the cost of the task you wish to search. This field will only be enabled if the Cost option is checked in the "Search in" field.
Use the fields in this filter to find the task you wish to search from the result. To do that, select the occurrence created from the result of the task and/or enter the lessons learned, the objectives achieved, and/or the benefits achieved from the desired task.
Use the fields in this filter to find the task you wish to search for your customer. To do that, enter the ID #, name and/or code of the customer of the task you wish to search.
Click on the Add attribute button and select the associated attribute on the Attribute Planning/Tracking tab of the task type you wish to search, the operator and a value for it. To use more than one attribute in this search, simply click on OK and repeat the procedure described earlier. After adding the desired attributes, click on the Apply button.
Click on the Add attribute button and select the associated attribute on the Attribute Execution tab of the task type you wish to search, the operator and a value for it. To use more than one attribute in this search, just click OK and repeat the procedure described above. After adding the desired attributes, click on the Apply button.
Click on the Add attribute button and select the attribute associated with the project type whose task you wish to search, the operator and a value for it. To use more than one attribute in this search, just click OK and repeat the procedure described above. After adding the desired attributes, click on the Apply button.
Click on the Add attribute button and select the attribute associated in the Attribute Verification tab of the task type you wish to search, the operator and a value for it. To use more than one attribute in this search, just click OK and repeat the procedure described above. After adding the desired attributes, click on the Apply button.
Click on the Add attribute in the result button and select the attribute associated with the Attribute Planning/Tracking tab of the task type you wish to search, which will be displayed as a column in the list of records of the search. To add more than one attribute in this search, use the Add option at the bottom of the panel. After adding the desired attributes, click on the Apply button.
Click on the Add attribute in the result button and select the attribute associated with the Attribute Execution tab of the task type you wish to search, which will be displayed as a column in the list of records of the search. To add more than one attribute in this search, use the Add option at the bottom of the panel. After adding the desired attributes, click on the Apply button.
Click on the Add attribute in the result button and select the attribute associated with the Attribute Verification tab of the task type you wish to search, which will be displayed as a column in the list of records of the search. To add more than one attribute in this search, use the Add option at the bottom of the panel. After adding the desired attributes, click on the Apply button.
After entering the required filters, click on the SEARCH button on the Search filters panel or press ENTER on the keyboard to perform the search. The result will be listed on the right side of the view screen.