To associate objects from other SE Suite components with the task under execution, click on the arrow located under the Associations option and select the desired option. The following options may be available:
In this section, it is possible to view the incidents started by the system when the task is executed with delay, as well as enter new incidents, and associate incidents already recorded in the SE Incident component that are related to the task. In order for this feature to function correctly, it is necessary for the SE Incident component to be part of the solutions acquired by your organization. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to add a new incident and associate it with the task. On the screen that will be displayed, select the type that will classify the incident you wish to start. The Title and Description fields will be enabled to be filled according to the configurations made in the process. Save the record. If the starter is also the executor of the first task of the flow, the task data screen will be displayed.

Click on this button to associate a previously recorded incident with the task in question. On the screen that opens, locate and select the desired incident and save the selection.

Click on this button to disassociate the incident selected in the list of records from the task.

Click on this button to view the data screen of an incident. Select the desired record before clicking on the button. Refer to the specific SE Incident component documentation for more details on the incident data screen.

Click on this button to view the flowchart of the process associated with the type of the incident selected in the list of records. Refer to the specific SoftExpert BPM Suite - Process Modeling component documentation for more details on process flowcharts.
In the upper part of this section, it is possible to select the following options:
▪Current record: Displays in the list of records the objects that were associated during the execution of the task in question. ▪Levels below: Displays in the list of records the objects that were associated during the execution of the subtasks of the task in question. ▪All sub-levels: Displays in the list of records the objects that were associated during the execution of both the task in question and its subtasks. |
Through this section, it is possible to view the indicators associated with the task through the SE GanttChart. In order for this feature to function properly, it is necessary for the SE Performance component to be part of the solutions acquired by your organization. Use the side toolbar button to view the details of the selected indicator. Refer to the specific documentation of the SE Performance component for more details on the indicator details screen.
Through this section, it is possible to view the items associated with the task through SE GanttChart. In order for this feature to function correctly, it is necessary for the SE PDM component to be part of the solutions acquired by your organization. Use the side toolbar button to view the details of the selected item. Refer to the specific documentation of the SE PDM component for more details on the item data screen.
Through this section, it is possible to identify occurrences as well as to associate occurrences already identified in the SE Action component and that are related to the task. In order for this feature to function correctly, it is necessary for the SE Action component to be part of the solutions acquired by your organization. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to add a new occurrence identification. Refer to the Occurrence identification section of the specific SE Action component documentation for a detailed description on how to identify an occurrence.

Click on this button to associate a previously identified occurrence with the task. Use the search filters on the tabs displayed on the selection screen to locate the desired occurrence more easily.

Click on this button to disassociate the occurrence selected in the list of records from the task.

Click on this button to view the data screen of the occurrence selected in the list of records.
In the upper part of this section, it is possible to select the following options:
▪Current record: Displays in the list of records the objects that were associated during the execution of the task in question. ▪Levels below: Displays in the list of records the objects that were associated during the execution of the subtasks of the task in question. ▪All sub-levels: Displays in the list of records the objects that were associated during the execution of both the task in question and its subtasks. |
Through this section, it is possible to add a new action plan, as well as to associate action plans already created in the SE Action Plan component and that are related to the task. To do that, the following options are available:
▪Add: Click on this option and after that, select the desired option: oAction plan: On the screen that will be displayed, select the category that will classify the action plan you wish to add. Save your selection. At this point, the data screen of the action plan structure will be presented, making it possible to configure. oAction plan from a template: On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the template from which you will create the action plan you wish to add. Save your selection. At this point, the data screen of the action plan structure will be presented, making it possible to configure. ▪Associate: On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the previously created action plan you wish to associate with the meeting.
In order for this feature to work correctly, it is necessary for the SE Action plan component to be part of the solutions acquired by your organization.
▪After adding/associating the action plan in this section, the system will present the plan structure in question and its actions, allowing to visualize its information. ▪When positioning your mouse over the card of an action plan, you will be presented with the options that allow you to view the structure of the action plan and disassociate it from the task. ▪When positioning your mouse over the card of an action plan action, you will be presented with the options that allow you to view the action data and delete it from the action plan structure. ▪Through the "View " field, it is possible to filter to show only the action plans associated with the task (current), the action plans associated with the subtasks (level below), or all action plans associated with the project, tasks, and/or subtasks (all sublevels). ▪Refer to the SE Action Plan component specific documentation for more details on plans and their actions. |
The following subsections are available:
Template: In this section, it is possible to view the processes (SE Process) that may be instantiated from the task in question. Use the buttons of the side toolbar to view: the process data, flowchart and process structure tree selected in the list of records.
Instance: In this section, it is possible to view the associated workflows through SE GanttChart, as well as start or associate workflows (SE Workflow) of the process selected in the Template section. For this and other operations, use the following buttons on the side toolbar:

Click on this button and select the desired option:
▪Start: On the screen that will be displayed, if there is more than one associated process template, select the one that will be instantiated. The Title and Description fields will be enabled to be filled in according to the configurations made in the process. Save the record. If the starter is also the executor of the first task of the flow, the task data screen will be displayed. ▪Associate: On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the workflow you wish to associate with the task in question. |

Click on this button to view the data screen of the workflow selected in the list of records. Refer to the SE Workflow component specific documentation for a detailed description of the screen that will be displayed.

Click on this button to view the flowchart of the workflow selected in the list of records. Refer to the specific SoftExpert BPM Suite - Process Modeling (SE Process) component documentation for more details on process flowcharts.

Click on this button to delete the workflow selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to copy the values of the attributes of the workflow selected in the list of records to the project which the task belongs to.
▪By means of the "View" field, it is possible to filter to show only the instances associated with the project (current), the instances associated with the subproject (level below) or all instances associated with the project, subproject and/or tasks (all sublevels). ▪In order for this feature to function properly, it is necessary for the SE Process and SE Workflow components to be part of the solutions acquired by your organization. ▪Refer to the SE Process and SE Workflow components specific documentation for more information about processes and workflows. |
In this section, it is possible to view the risk and control analyses associated with the task during its inclusion in the project. Use the button on the side toolbar of the Risk and Control sections to view the data of the analysis selected in the list of records of the respective section. Refer to the specific SE Risk documentation for further details on the screen that will be displayed.