See hoe to perform a requirement mapping:
Select the mapping that is under revision in the "Draft" step in the list of records, and on the main screen click on the button on the toolbar.
When the mapping has a revision in the "draft" step or has the "released" status, its structure is available for viewing via the File Requirement mapping or View Requirement menu.
At this point, the requirement structure screen will be displayed:

On the toolbar (A), the following options are available:
Release version: This option will only be displayed if the upper requirement of the mapping has been configured with a simplified revision template in its type. In this case, after performing the necessary changes, click on this option to release the mapping revision and make it current.
Event: Allows adding and/or associating the incidents/problems/workflows that highlight the requirement selected in the structure.
Documentation: Allows adding and/or associating attachments and documents associated with the requirement structure.
Data: Allows viewing the data screen of the selected requirement in the structure (B).
Action plan: Allows adding and/or associating action plans or isolated actions that highlight the requirement selected in the structure. See more details about this operation in step 8.
Expand: Allows viewing the requirements that are associated with the lower levels of another requirement in the structure. This option will only be available if there are requirements with lower levels in the structure.
Collapse: Hides the requirements that are at the lower levels of another requirement. This option will only be available if there are requirements with lower levels in the structure.
The Requirement mapping option will only be displayed in the Details (C) field, present in the upper part of the requirement data panel, if the requirement selected in the structure (B), is a sheet requirement (requirement that does not have sub-requirements). See how to perform a requirement mapping:
When clicking on the Map (D) option to the name of the selected requirement, the following options are available:
▪Department: Allows you to associate the departments of the business unit in which the requirement being mapped should be implemented or complied with. Note that this option is only available if in the type of requirement is configured that the mapping will be by "Business unit". On the screen that will open when you click on this option, locate and select the desired departments. The selected departments will be presented just below the business unit. To disassociate a department of the business unit from the requirement mapping, position the mouse over it and click on the button that is displayed. ▪Process: Allows to associate the processes that are related to the business unit in which the requirement being mapped should be implemented or complied with. Note that this option is only available if in the type of requirement is configured that the mapping will be by "Business unit" or "Business and department unit". On the screen that will open when you click on this option, locate and select the desired processes. The selected processes will be presented at the end of the list of business units, departments, processes, and controls. To disassociate a process of the business unit from the requirement mapping, position the mouse over it and click on the button that is displayed. ▪Control: Allows you to associate the controls that come from the risk analyses of the processes related to business unit in which the requirement being mapped should be implemented or complied with. On the screen that will open up, locate and select the desired controls. At this point, the processes and controls for them will be presented, just below the list of business units, departments, processes, and controls. To disassociate a control and the process to which it refers to the requirement mapping, position the mouse over it and click on the button that is displayed. |
Click on the Associate (D) option to associate action plans, events, and attachments that represent the applicability and implementation of the requirement for the scope.
In the list of business units, departments, processes, and controls, the following columns are available (E):
Applicable: Enable this option (Yes) to indicate that the requirement applies to the business/department/process unit in question. If the requirement is not applicable, leave the "No" option selected. Requirements that are not checked as applicable will not be considered for the calculations of the implementation in requirement monitoring.
Implemented: Click and drag over this option to indicate the percentage of the implementation of this requirement, with 0% being classified as Not implemented, between 10% and 90% as Partly implemented and 100% as Completely implemented.
According to the requirement evaluation result, it will be possible to add an explanation.
When selecting the Event option, in the Details (C) field, presented in the upper part of the requirement data panel, it is possible to add and/or associate incidents/problems/workflows that highlight the requirement selected in the structure (B). To do this, use the following buttons on the side toolbar of this section:

Click on this button and select the desired option to start an Incident, Problem or Workflow. On the screen that will be displayed, select the type that will classify the event that you wish to create. The Title and Description fields will be enabled to be filled according to the configurations made in the process. Save the record. If the starter is also the executor of the first activity of the flow, the activity data screen will be displayed.

Click on this button and, on the screen that will be opened, first select the event you want to associate with the requirement (incident, problem, or workflow), and then locate it and select it. Save your selection.

Click on this button to delete the selected event in the list of records and thus disassociate it from the requirement.

Click on this button to view the event data screen (incident, problem, or workflow) selected in the list of records.
▪For this feature to work correctly it is necessary that the SE Incident, SE Problem, and SE Workflow components are part of the solutions acquired by your organization. ▪Get more information about incidents, problems, and workflows by viewing the specific documentation of these components. |
When selecting the Action plan option, in the Details (C) field, presented in the upper part of the requirement data panel, it is possible to add and/or associate the action plans or isolated actions that highlight the requirement selected in the structure (B). To do this, use the following buttons on the side toolbar of this section:

Click on this button and select the desired option:
▪Action plan: On the screen that will be displayed, select first, whether the new action plan will be blank or created from a template. Then, at the bottom of the screen, locate and select the category or action plan template, according to the option previously selected, and save the selection you made. At this point, the data screen of the action plan structure will be presented, making it possible to configure. ▪Isolated action: On the screen that will be displayed, select the category that will sort the isolated action. Save your selection. At this point, the action data screen will be displayed, making it possible to configure. |

Click on this button and on the screen that will be opened, select first, whether to associate to the requirement an action plan or an isolated action and then locate and select the desired record. Save your selection.

Click on this button to delete the selected record in the listing and thus disassociate it from the requirement.

Click on this button to view the selected record data screen in the list.
▪In order for this feature to work correctly, it is necessary for the SE Action plan component to be part of the solutions acquired by your organization. ▪Get more information about action plans and isolated actions by viewing the specific documentation of the SE Action plan component. |
After mapping all the requirements of the structure, close the screen.