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Monitoring plans

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See how to perform the monitoring of the plan structure:



Select the previously created plan from the list of records on the main screen and click on the toolbar button.


In order to access the risk plan structure successfully, it is necessary for the user to have the "Edit" control allowed in the security of the plan.



At this point, the plan structure screen will open. In the Structure vision, it is possible to view the items that make up the plan structure. The columns displayed in this vision are those defined in the view profile associated with the plan. The system also makes available a side panel where it is possible to view the details of the item selected in the structure, quickly:


Risk and control plan with process scope

Risk and control plan with process scope



When you access the Structure vision, the following options are available, in the toolbar:

Calculate: This button will only be displayed when the plan type is configured with automatic risk calculation. Click on it whenever it is required to update the calculation of the plan risks.

Evaluation: Click on this option to evaluate the risk/control selected in the structure. In the details side panel, the system will display the fields to perform the evaluation. See the detailed description of the fields displayed in the Evaluating the risk and Evaluating the control sections. If the plan type has the "Block the risk and control evaluation released in the revision" option checked, it will not be possible to add new evaluations, and the evaluations already carried out will be available for view only. In that case, to carry out new evaluations it is necessary to revise the plan.

Attributes: This button is enabled only if the risk/control type selected in the structure has an associated analysis attribute. Click on it and in the side details panel, the risk/control analysis attributes will be displayed to view their values.

Data: Click on this button to view the data screen of the item selected in the structure.

Expand: Click on this button to expand the entire plan structure.

Collapse: Click on this button to collapse the entire plan structure.



By clicking on the arrow under the Structure vision, the following views may also be available:



To leave the plan structure, just close the screen.