Location: View Indicator
Through this menu, it is possible to see the scorecard indicators and the information pertaining to them. Note that in the list of records on this screen the columns set up in the default view profile of SE Performance will be displayed. The indicator values will only be displayed for the logged user if they have the View control enabled in the security list.
Through the field located in the upper right part of this menu, it is possible to alter the search view between:
Displays the indicator information in the current period.
Simple listing
Displays the indicator information in the current period in a summarized way.
Displays the indicators with associated events.
Displays the indicators with associated action plans and projects.
Specific buttons:

Click on this button to view the details screen of the indicator selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to use the Analytics resource to analyze the result obtained from the search.

Click on the arrow placed next to this button to configure and issue the desired indicators reports. This button also allows configuring a new report or associating an existing report and also consulting the parameters that can be used in the configuration of new reports.

Click on this button to export the displayed indicators in the list of records, to an EXCEL spreadsheet.

Click on this button to view the data of the default view profile, that is, the view profile that is being applied to the indicator view screen.

Click on this button to change the main screen layout to three quadrants. When selecting this option, the third quadrant will display the details about the indicator selected in the list of records in the second quadrant.

Click on this button to edit the layout of the main screen to two quadrants.
Use the filters described below to locate the desired records through specific information. To use them, go to the Search field panel and click on the button to add filters.
For further details about the "Search panel" and other view operations, refer to the "User guide Views" section.
Use this filter to see the indicator at a certain time. In the Date field, select the period reference date. Now, in the History field, select one of the following options:
▪Monthly: In the result of the view will be presented the indicators with monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, four-month-period, biannual or yearly frequency. ▪Daily: In the result of the view the indicators will be presented the indicators with daily, weekly or biweekly frequency.
ID #: Enter the ID # of the indicator you wish to view.
Name: Select the name of the indicator you wish to view.
Status: Expand the list and check the options that correspond to the possible status in which you find the record of the indicator you wish to see: active and/or inactive. Use the other buttons on the side of the field to check all available options and clear the checked options.
Range: Select the range associated with the indicator you wish to see.
Frequency: Select the option corresponding to the frequency of the indicator you wish to refer to: daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, for-month-period, biannual, yearly or per event.
Indicator: Select the indicator associated with the indicator you wish to see.
Deviation indicator: Select the option corresponding to the deviation occurred in the indicator you wish to refer to, deviation in the period, deviation in the accumulated or deviation in the period or in accumulated.
Indicators without value: Check this option so that the indicators that do not have target and measurement values are entered and also displayed in the view result.
Use the fields in this filter to find the indicator by using its upper element. To do this, select the desired element or enter its ID # and/or name. When checking the Display lower level records option, so that the sub-elements of the upper element of the indicator are also considered in the view.
Use the fields in this filter to find the indicator by using the type that sorts its upper element. To do this, select the desired element type or enter its ID # and/or name.
Select, in the respective field, the scorecard to which the indicator you wish to view belongs.
Select, in the respective field, the user responsible for the indicator you wish to view. Use the other buttons on the side of the field to fill it with the logged user data or clear it.
ID #: Enter the ID # of the action plan related to the indicator you wish to view.
Title: Enter the name of the action plan related to the indicator you wish to view.
Planned date: Enter the date range that covers the planned start and end dates of the action plan related to the indicator you wish to view.
Actual date: Enter the date range that covers the actual start and end dates of the action plan related to the indicator you wish to view.
Status: Expand the list and check the options corresponding to the possible statuses in which the action plan related to the indicator you wish to view is located. Use the other buttons next to the field to check all the options and clear the checked ones.
Deadline: Expand the list and check the options corresponding to the possible status, in relation to the execution deadline, of the action plan related to the indicator you wish to view.
Responsible for planning: Select the user responsible for planning the action plan related to the indicator you wish to view. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it with the data of the logged-in user or clear it.
Action plan/action responsibility: Select the user responsible for executing the actions and the plan related to the indicator you wish to view.
Project: Select the project related to the indicator you wish to view.
ID #: Enter the project ID # related to the indicator you wish to view.
Name: Enter the name of the project related to the indicator you wish to view.
Type: Select the type that classifies the project related to the indicator you wish to view.
Responsible: Select the user responsible for the project related to the indicator you wish to view. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it with the data of the logged-in user or clear it.
Team: Select the team responsible for the project related to the indicator you wish to view.
Use the fields in this filter to find the indicator by using the occurrence (SE Action) related to it. To this, enter a number interval that covers the occurrence #, a keyword related to it or select a classification.
Use the fields in this filter to find the indicator by means of the incident related to it. For this, select the desired incident or enter its id # and/or title.
Use the fields in this filter to find the indicator by means of the problem related to it. For this, select the desired problem or enter its id # and/or title.
After you complete the necessary filters, click on the SEARCH button on the Search filters panel or press ENTER on the keyboard to perform the search. The result will be displayed on the right-side of the view screen.