Scorecard due date
Who receives it:
Users with the "Revise" control allowed in the security of the scorecard. In order to perform a successful revalidation, the logged user is required to have the "Revise" or "Edit" controls allowed in the security list of the scorecard being revalidated.
On the expiration date of the default time defined in the validity configuration associated with the pending scorecard type.
To allow the responsible users to revalidate the pending scorecard. Scorecards with revalidation configured in their type may go through revalidations after going through the first revision. However, after going through the first revalidation, they will no longer go through revisions, as they will only be revalidated.
How to execute this task:
Select the desired scorecard from the list of pending records.
Click on the toolbar button. On the screen that will be opened, enter the validity date (if variable) and an explanation for the revalidation. Refer to the Revalidating a scorecard section for a detailed description of the revalidation screen.
After saving the revalidation record, the scorecard will no longer be displayed in the list of pending records.
Specific buttons:

Click on this button to delete the revalidation selected from the list of records.

Click on the arrow next to this button and select the corresponding option to view the data of the execution or the scorecard selected in the list of records.

Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search for the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.