The options described in this section will only be valid if the "Formula per period" option is enabled in the indicator data when configuring it in the scorecard structure. This section will not be available if the indicator frequency is "Based on event".
In this moment, the following sub-sections will be displayed: Target, Accumulated target, Accumulated target 2, Measurement, Accumulated measurement, Accumulated measurement 2, Additional field1 and Accumulated additional field1. The sections related to the "Target" must only be filled out if it has been defined that the indicator will have a target in the General data section.
In each section, configure how the corresponding values will be obtained in the desired periods. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to add a formula to a period of the indicator. See further details in the "Configuring a period" topic below.

Click on this button to edit the formula of the period selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to delete the period (and the formula) selected in the list of records.
The periods configured with formulas will be displayed in the list of records of the corresponding section. The B (Blocked) column will be available:
▪Keep it disabled for the formula to be executed by the system. ▪Enable it for the formula not to be executed by the system anymore, that is, the data related to this period will be blocked and the formula will only be kept as a history.
▪If formulas are configured when creating the indicator, when enabling the "Formula per period", they will move to the corresponding section in a formula per period without start and end dates. ▪1 - These options will only be displayed if an additional field is defined before enabling the formula per period. See further details in the "Configuring a formula per period for an additional field" topic below. |
Configure a period
To segment a period of the indicator and determine the formula that will be used, click on the button on the side toolbar. On the screen that will be displayed, fill in the following fields:
Enter the date in which the period to which the formula will be applied will start.
Enter the date in which the period to which the formula will be applied will end.
Click on the button next to the field and, on the screen that will be opened, enter the formula you wish to apply to the period.
After performing the desired configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen. Repeat this procedure to configure the desired formulas for the different periods of the indicator.
See the Formula editor section for a detailed description about the use of this resource. In the SE Performance section, the description of the specific formulas of the SE Performance component can be found.
Configuring a formula per period for an additional field
1.Select/add the desired additional field. 2.Enable the "Formula per period" option. 3.Click on "Save", Once done, the system will display, in the "Formula" section of the indicator data screen, the "Additional field 1" and "Accum. additional field 1" options.