To add a permission profile, click on the button on the main screen toolbar. To edit the data of a permission profile, select it in the main screen hierarchy and click on the button.
On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the permission profile. The following tab will also be available:

Indicator type
Select this option if the security of this profile will be applied to an indicator type.
Select this option if the security of this profile will be applied to an indicator.
Scorecard type
Select this option if the security of this profile will be applied to a scorecard type.
Select this option if the security of this profile will be applied to a scorecard.
Scorecard structure
Select this option if the security of this profile will be applied to a scorecard structure.
Scorecard element
Select this option if the security of this profile will be applied to a scorecard element.
Scorecard indicator
Select this option if the security of this profile will be applied to a scorecard indicator.
Check the controls that will be enabled in the objects with this permission profile.
Security data