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Answering a survey

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See a quick and easy way of answering a survey in the "Answer a survey" topic of the SE Survey Quick Guide!


The logged SE Suite user may answer the surveys with which they were associated as a respondent and the ones that must be filled out by a team of which they are a part. See where to access the survey in the section:

Answering a survey - Access locations


In these menus, the surveys added and executed through SE Survey and those originated from SE Training evaluations will be displayed (except for effectiveness evaluations).


When accessing one of the menus, execute the following steps:

1.Select the survey you wish to answer and click on the default button on the toolbar.

2.The survey response screen will be opened, which is divided according to the image displayed below. The alphabetical letters identify each available item:



The side panel displays the sections that compose the survey structure in their respective order. Click on the arrow in the lower right corner of this screen to expand/collapse the survey sections panel.


This area displays the questions that compose the section being answered. The way to answer questions may vary according to their type.


The button bar displays the options that allow manipulating the survey response. See a detailed description in the Button bar table below.

3.On the button bar, use the following features to:

Continue later: Interrupt the survey response, without losing the answers already entered. When returning to answer the survey, it will be opened in the section in which it was closed, with all answers entered until the pause.

Give up1: Finish the survey without answering all questions. In this case, it will be necessary to enter, on the screen that will open, the reason for giving up. After saving the record, the survey will no longer be available for answering.

Previous2: Return to the previous section.

Next2: Go to the next section.

Finish: After answering all questions, close the survey response. At this point, the survey will be considered as answered and it will no longer appear in the list of records.

Back3: Return to a section and edit the answer to a question of the survey.

4.The system may display, at the beginning and end of the survey, introduction and thank you messages, according to the configurations set in its structure.


Note: When the survey is being used in other SE Suite components, the places in which it will be accessible may vary. In cases such as the SE Workflow component, the survey may be answered through the activity execution screen itself. This also happens with problems, incidents and competence evaluations. In the case of training evaluations (SE Training), for example, the survey may be answered through the options listed in the "SE Suite user" item.


1 - This option will only be displayed if the Show the "Give up" button option is enabled in the general data of the survey.

2 - This operation can also be performed by clicking on the number of the desired section on the panel on the side of the screen.

3 - This option is only displayed in the summary of the questions and answers of the survey (which will only be displayed if the "Allow viewing of answers summary" option was enabled in the general data).


Related links:

Survey result calculation