SE Suite allows saving searches performed in the system, which makes them readily available for access whenever necessary. The saving searches feature is available in several menus of the system. On the screens that list saved searches, there are two types of saved searches to be displayed:
▪My searches: In the "My searches" or "My saved searches" listing, the searches saved by the user will be displayed.
▪Public searches: In the "Public searches" or "Shared searches" listing, the searches saved by other system users in Public mode will be displayed.
After performing a search, it can be saved in the system for it to be accessed whenever necessary, without the need for filling out all filters again. In order to save the search, after filling out all necessary filters, click on the "Save" button. On the screen that will open, there will be two options for saving the search:
▪New search <> Replace: In this option, the user must decide whether the search being saved will be a new search or a replacement for an existing saved search. If it is a new search, enter a name for the search being saved. For replacements, use the field to select the search to be updated. If there are no other searches saved in the menu, it will not be possible to use the option to replace the saved search.
▪Private <> Public: In this option, the user must decide whether the search being saved will be private or public. Keep the button checked on the "Private" option so that only you can access the search. Keep the button checked on the "Public" option so that any user in the system with access to the menu in which the search was saved can access it.
In order to open a saved search from a specific menu, first access the desired menu. Your saved searches will be displayed in the "Saved searches" section of the Search filters panel. If you have no saved searches in the accessed menu, but you wish to view its public searches, click on the button displayed in the "Saved searches" section and, on the screen that will be opened, click on the "Public searches" button. Access the searches listed on the screen or add them to your menu to facilitate the access.
Saved searches can also be accessed through the "Shortcuts Saved searches" menu. By accessing this menu, your saved searches will be classified by component. When accessing a component, the saved searches performed in it will be displayed. By clicking on the button located on the upper right corner of the "Shortcuts Saved searches" menu, it will be possible to edit/delete the saved searches or access and add public searches.
To edit the name or the sharing mode of a saved search, first access the menu in which the search was saved or access it through the "Shortcuts Saved searches" menu. After the search has been accessed, click on the button located in the "Saved searches" section of the Search filters panel.
To edit a saved search, click on the button of the Actions column in the "My saved searches" listing. On the screen that will open, enter the new name for the search and/or edit the sharing type of the search from Private to Public or vice-versa. Once the change is made, click on the Save button.
If you have a saved search that needs to be updated, first, access it. Then, add or delete the search filters and click on the SEARCH button. As soon as the search results are displayed, click on "Save". At this point, the screen to save the search will be displayed with the "Replace" option selected.
It is worth noting that it also is possible to perform a completely new search to replace the existing saved search. However, it is necessary to point out that in this case it is necessary to perform the search in the same menu in which the search to be replaced is saved.
"My saved searches" is the list of the searches that were saved by you in private or public mode. This list can be accessed both through the menus in which the search has been performed and the "Shortcuts Saved searches" menu.
"Public searches" is the list of the searches that have been saved by other system users in public mode. This list can be accessed both through the menus in which the search has been performed and the "Shortcuts Saved searches" menu, clicking on the button.
Saved searches can be accessed through the "Shortcuts Saved searches" menu of the SE Configuration component. For you to access this menu and, consequently, all searches saved in the system, it will be necessary to have a profile with the Manager license and the "Saved searches" permission set in the access group of which you are part.
Default searches cannot be edited, but private and public searches can be shared with certain teams or on public mode (all users).