It is possible to add the following content types to the courses and trainings:
Allows adding a content section. On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID #, a name, and the sequence in which the section will be displayed. In the respective tab, add the content of the section in question. To do that, on the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to browse between the saved files on your computer, select multiple files and attach them to the section.

Click on this button and choose the option that corresponds to the content you wish to add to the section. See below a detailed description for each content.

Click on this button to edit the data of the content selected in the listing.

Click on this button to delete the content selected in the listing.

Click on this button to change a required course to not required and vice-versa. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.

Click on this button to preview the content selected in the listing.

Click on this button to change the order of the content selected in the listing upwards.

Click on this button to change the order of the content selected in the listing downwards.
To define a survey for each section of a course/training, simply add the desired survey as a content of the section in question and place it as the last record in the listing.
Allows adding a text to the course/training content. On the screen that will be opened, the following fields are available:
Enter the title of the text you wish to add as course/training content.
Fill out this field if you wish to allocate the text to a content section. In this case, select the desired section. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new section, edit the selected section and clear the field.
Type in or copy and paste the desired text and perform the necessary format changes. This resource includes HTML formatting.
Minimum time
Fill out this field to determine the amount of time for which the user must remain reading the text before considering it read. To do so, enter the desired time in the hh:mm:ss format.
The training participant must mandatorily read the text to be able to finish the training content execution successfully.
The training participant can finish the training content execution even without reading the text.
Block further content when the current one is not finished
The content after the text will not be enabled to be performed while the text is not read.
It will be possible to perform the contents after the text even if it has not been read yet.
Display the content description on the certificate
The entered text will be displayed in the certificate issued by the end of the training
The text will not be displayed in the training conclusion certificate.
Allows adding a video to the course/training content. On the screen that will be opened, the following fields are available:
Enter the title of the video you wish to add as course/training content.
Fill out this field if you wish to allocate the video to a content section. In this case, select the desired section. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new section, edit the selected section and clear the field.
Minimum time
Fill out this field to determine the amount of time for which the user must remain viewing the video before considering it viewed. To do so, enter the desired time in the hh:mm:ss format.
Select this option to add a file from your computer. In the File [mp4, webm, ogv] field, use the button to browse the directories in your machine and select the desired video. Use the other buttons next to the field to clear it and view the selected video.
Select this option to enter the link for a Youtube or Vimeo video, for example. On the field that will be enabled, enter the URL of the desired video. Use the button next to the field to view the video.
The training participant must mandatorily watch the video to be able to finish the training content execution successfully.
The training participant can finish the training content execution even without watching the video.
Block further content when the current one is not finished
The content after the video will not be enabled to be performed while the video is not watched.
It will be possible to perform the contents after the video even if it has not been watched yet.
Allows adding an audio to the course/training content. On the screen that will be opened, the following fields are available:
Enter the title of the audio you wish to add as course/training content.
Fill out this field if you wish to allocate the audio to a content section. In this case, select the desired section. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new section, edit the selected section and clear the field.
File [mp3, wav, ogg]
Use the to browse the directories in your machine and select the desired audio. Use the other buttons next to the field to clear it and access the selected audio.
Minimum time
Fill out this field to determine the amount of time for which the user must remain listening to the audio before considering it listened. To do so, enter the desired time in the hh:mm:ss format.
The training participant must mandatorily listen to the audio to be able to finish the training content execution successfully.
The training participant can finish the training content execution even without listening to the audio.
Block further content when the current one is not finished
The content after the audio will not be enabled to be performed while the audio is not listened to.
It will be possible to perform the contents after the audio even if it has not been listened to yet.
Allows adding a document recorded in SE Document to the course/training content. On the screen that will be opened, the following fields are available:
Enter the title of the audio you wish to add as course/training content.
Fill out this field if you wish to allocate the document to a content section. In this case, select the desired section. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new section, edit the selected section and clear the field.
Select the document you wish to associate the course/training content. On the screen that will be opened, use the search filters to locate the desired document more easily. After selecting the desired document, save the selection.
Select the document revision that you wish to associate with the course/training: current, object (if the document is associated with the "Object section of the course, the same revision will be used; if there is more than one revision, the most current one will be used) or specific (in this case, select the desired revision).
Minimum time
Fill out this field to determine the amount of time for which the user must remain reading the document before considering it read. To do so, enter the desired time in the hh:mm:ss format.
The training participant must mandatorily read the document to be able to finish the training content execution successfully.
The training participant can finish the training content execution even without reading the document.
Block further content when the current one is not finished
The content after the document will not be enabled to be performed while the document is not read.
It will be possible to perform the contents after the document even if it has not been read yet.
Allows adding a scorm to the course/training content. On the screen that will be opened, the following fields are available:
Enter the title of the scorm you wish to add as course/training content.
Fill out this field if you wish to allocate the scorm to a content section. In this case, select the desired section. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new section, edit the selected section and clear the field.
File [zip]
Use the to browse the directories in your machine and select the .zip file related to the desired scorm. Use the other buttons next to the field to clear it and access the selected scorm.
Displays the version of the added scorm. Only versions 1.2 and 1.3 of Scorm are compatible with SE Training.
Minimum time
Fill out this field to determine the amount of time for which the user must remain accessing the scorm content before considering it done. To do so, enter the desired time in the hh:mm:ss format.
The training participant must mandatorily access the scorm to be able to finish the training content execution successfully.
The training participant can finish the training content execution even without accessing the scorm.
Block further content when the current one is not finished
The content after the scorm will not be enabled to be performed while the scorm is not accessed.
It will be possible to perform the contents after the scorm even if it has not been accessed yet.
Allows adding a URL to the course/training content. On the screen that will be opened, the following fields are available:
Enter the title of the URL you wish to add as course/training content.
Fill out this field if you wish to allocate the URL to a content section. In this case, select the desired section. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new section, edit the selected section and clear the field.
Enter the desired URL. Use the button next to the field to view it.
Minimum time
Fill out this field to determine the amount of time for which the user must remain accessing the URL content before considering it done. To do so, enter the desired time in the hh:mm:ss format.
The training participant must mandatorily access the URL to be able to finish the training content execution successfully.
The training participant can finish the training content execution even without accessing the URL.
Block further content when the current one is not finished
The content after the URL will not be enabled to be performed while the URL is not accessed.
It will be possible to perform the contents after the URL even if it has not been accessed yet.
Allows adding a survey to the course/training content. On the screen that will be opened, the following fields are available:
Enter the title of the survey you wish to add as course/training content.
Fill out this field if you wish to allocate the survey to a content section. In this case, select the desired section. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new section, edit the selected section and clear the field.
Survey template
Select the desired survey template. Only surveys in "Test" mode will be available for selection.
Min. score
Enter the minimum numerical grade that the participant must reach to be considered approved.
This field will only be enabled if the "Use as training evaluation result" option is also enabled. Use it when there is more than one content of the survey type in the course/training. Thus, it is possible to assign distinct weights to them, which will be taken into account when calculating the final score. In this case, enter the desired weight for the survey.
Maximum number of attempts1
Define the number of times that it will be possible to answer the survey. The number of attempts is limited to 5.
Attempt classification1
This field will only be available if the maximum number of attempts is higher than 1. Fill it out to define which result among the attempts must be the evaluation result. To do so, select one of the available options: highest score, lowest score, average score, first attempt or last attempt.
Minimum time
Fill out this field to determine the amount of time for which the user must remain answering the survey before considering it done. To do so, enter the desired time in the hh:mm:ss format.
1 - It will only be available if the survey correction is "Automatic".
The training participant must mandatorily answer the survey to be able to finish the training content execution successfully.
The training participant can finish the training content execution even without answering the survey.
Block further content when the current one is not finished
The content after the survey will not be enabled to be performed while the participant is not approved in the survey.
It will be possible to perform the contents after the survey even if the participant is not approved in it.
Use as training evaluation result
The result obtained in the survey will also be considered the score obtained in the "Training" evaluation.
The survey will not have an evaluative function.
Block content viewing during survey response
It will not be possible to view the content of the course/training while the survey is being answered.
The participant may view the other survey content while answering it.
Allow restarting the survey after failing
If the participant fails in answering the survey, it will be automatically restarted.
If attempts are configured and, once they end, the participant has not been approved in the survey, they will be reset and the survey will be restarted until the participant is approved.
If the participant fails in answering the survey, an e-mail will be sent to the team responsible for executing the training informing them of what occurred. Thus, the team will be able to decide if they wish to manually restart the content or invalidate the training.
Allows adding a file with content different from that in the options specified above. On the screen that will be opened, the following fields are available:
Enter the title of the content you wish to add to the course/training.
Fill out this field if you wish to allocate the content to a section. In this case, select the desired section. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new section, edit the selected section and clear the field.
Use the button to browse the directories in your machine and select the file related to the desired content. Use the other buttons next to the field to clear it and access the selected file.
Minimum time
Fill out this field to determine the amount of time for which the user must remain accessing the content before considering it done. To do so, enter the desired time in the hh:mm:ss format.
The training participant must mandatorily access the file to be able to finish the training content execution successfully.
The training participant can finish the training content execution even without accessing the file.
Block further content when the current one is not finished
The content after the file will not be enabled to be performed while the file is not accessed.
It will be possible to perform the contents after the file even if it has not been accessed yet.