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Modifying user data

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To change the picture or the password of your user account, go to the upper right corner of SE Suite main screen and click on the user image. On the panel that will be displayed, click on the Account option:



At this point, the user data screen will open. Click on the user image area and select the user picture that will be displayed on the upper right corner of the SE Suite screen.




To change the language being used, select the desired language in the Language field on the user data screen general data.


The user language can also be changed on the login screen.


Birthday notification

If the "Birthdays of the day" option is checked in the SE Configuration component, the birthday notification and interaction with other SE Suite users feature will be available. Configure this feature through the following options in the General user data screen:

I wish to share my birthday with others: Check this option for your birthday to be shared through a notification. Otherwise, it will only be possible to interact with birthday notifications of users who have this option checked. Through the notification, it is possible to view and send a message to users on their birthdays, and they can also interact with those messages by replying to or liking them.

I wish to receive birthday notifications via e-mail: Check this option to receive via e-mail the notification of users who have enabled the "I wish to share my birthday with others" option.



To change the user password, first enter the current password in the Current password field. Next, in the New password field, enter the user new password, and confirm it by typing it again in the Confirm password field.


The password change may not be enabled if SE Suite is configured to use the network credentials to perform the system authentication.



The define the signature to be used in forms the user may fill out, click on the area of the signature image and select a picture with the user signature. The image must not exceed 800 px wide and 200 px high.


API Gateway

In the personal SE JWT field of API Gateway, it is possible to generate a token to be used in REST data sources and webservices, when their authentication type is "API key". This section will only be available when accessed through this menu.


Save the user data to apply the changes made. Remember the user should log in the system again, to load the changes made.



In the Privacy section, the configurations related to the General Data Protection Regulation are available. Through this section, the user can configure and control which information SoftExpert can collect. It is worth remembering that only the logged user can perform changes in this tab. Therefore, define whether you wish to take part in satisfaction surveys and whether you wish to send information on your use of SE Suite.


Note: In the SoftExpert Privacy Policy section of the CM006 (Configuration arrowrgrayConfigurationarrowrgray System) menu, the administrator (or the user with permission in the system configuration), may or may not authorize the participation of company employees regarding the use of SE Suite. Therefore, if the "The software contracting company has no interest in the participation of users in sending information to the supplier about the use of SE Suite" option is checked in the system configurations, this option will not be displayed in the user data.


For further details view our Privacy Policy.

The other information on the user data screen, such as department, access group, teams, subordinates, absence and control period, can only be altered on the user record menu in the SE Administration component, by the admin user or the logged user, as long as they have the proper permission granted on the access group.