Enable timesheet
Allows parameterizing if the resources can enter the time that was spent to perform the actions of this category, whether they are isolated or belong to a plan.
In this case, perform the necessary configurations in the fields described below.
It will not be possible to enter the time spent on the execution of the actions in this category.
In this case, the fields described below will not be enabled to be filled out.
The configurations made on this tab will only work correctly if the SE Time Control component is part of the solutions acquired by your organization. These configurations will impact the timesheet screen. Refer to the Entering time section for more details on this operation.
If the Enable timesheet option is checked, the fields of the following sections will be enabled to be filled out:
Inhibit time entry
The timesheet will be blocked after the approval of the timesheet for the actions.
The timesheet for the actions of this type will not be blocked after its approval.
After finishing the task
When actions are closed, the timesheet will be blocked.
The timesheet for the actions of this type will not be blocked after its closure.
If the hours entered exceed the planned hours by ___ percent
The timesheet will be blocked when exceeding a percentage of the total hours allocated for the resources in the action. In the field that will be enabled, enter the percentage of exceeding time the timesheet will be blocked from.
The total percentage of allocated hours will not impact the blocking of the timesheet in the actions of this category.
The timesheet for the actions of this category will be blocked before a certain date. In the field that will be enabled, enter the date before which the timesheet will be blocked.
The timesheet for the actions of this category will not be blocked before a specific date.
Mandatory to fill out the [Description] field]
When entering time in the actions of this category, it will be mandatory to fill out the Description field.
Filling out the "Description" field will not be mandatory when entering time in the actions of this category.
Add automatically to timesheet
When starting the execution of the actions, they will be automatically added to timesheet screen listing. By default, this option will be displayed as checked by the system.
Actions must be manually added to the screen for their timesheet to be performed.
Timesheet approval
Allows parameterizing if the time entered in the actions of this category must go through approval.
In this case, perform the necessary configurations in the fields described below.
The time entered in the actions of this category will not go through approval.
In this case, the fields described below will not be enabled to be filled out.
If the Timesheet approval option is checked, the following fields will be enabled to be filled out:
The approval will be via responsibility route. In the Route type field, select the desired option:
▪Variable: Allows the route to be selected/edited during the timesheet of an action, in addition to allow editing its members. ▪Fixed: Allows the route to be selected/edited during the timesheet of an action, however, it will not be possible to edit its members. ▪Fixed & unique: A default approval route will be set for all timesheets of the actions. The route selected in the respective field cannot be changed (nor its members) when filling out the timesheet. Responsibility route: Select the responsibility route that will be used for approval. Use the buttons next to the field to add a new responsible route and clear it. The completion of this field is mandatory if the previously selected route type is "Fixed & unique". If another route type option is selected and this field is filled in, when creating the revision, the system will use the informed route; however, it will be possible to edit it.
▪User: Select the user who will approve the timesheet. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new user who will be responsible for the timesheet, fill it with the logged-on user data, and clear the field. ▪Deadline: Enter the number of days the user will have to perform the approval. |
The responsible parties entered in this section will enter the timesheet approval through Timesheet approval.
Notify before due date
The responsible party will be notified about the Timesheet approval task through the "My Tasks" e-mail notification before the day on which the deadline to execute it expires.
Use the Notify before field to enter how many days in advance the notification will be sent.
The responsible party will not be notified before the deadline to approve the timesheet expires.
Notify on due date
The responsible party will be notified about the Timesheet approval task through the "My Tasks" e-mail notification on the day on which the deadline to execute it expires.
The responsible party will not be notified on the day the deadline to approve the timesheet expires.
Notify after due date
The responsible party will be notified about the Timesheet approval task through the "My Tasks" e-mail notification after the deadline to execute it expires.
The system makes available the following fields:
▪Notify after: Enter the number of days after the approval deadline expiration in which the notification will be sent. ▪Frequency: Enter the number of days that will compose the interval in which this notification will be made. |
The responsible party will not be notified after the deadline to approve the timesheet expires.
Subordinates' tasks
Allows defining who will be notified about the timesheet approval through the "Subordinates' tasks" email notification (SE Configuration).
In that case, check the option that corresponds to those who will be notified:
▪Notify leader of responsible user: Check this option for the leader of the user responsible for the training to receive the training timesheet approval task status notification. ▪Specific user: Check this option and, in the User field that will be enabled, select a specific user who will receive the training timesheet approval notification. ▪Go up to __ level(s): Enter how many levels above the responsible user's leader level, will be notified about the timesheet approval task. ▪Frequency: Enter the number of day(s) past due that the system will go up the hierarchy until it reaches the configured level. |
No users will be notified about the timesheet approval through the "Subordinates' tasks" e-mail.
The configurations above overwrite the parameterizations referring to the system notifications in the SE Configuration component, but only those referring to the SE Time Control component.
Overtime request is required
Allows parameterizing for it to only be possible to enter overtime in the actions through the issuing of a request. In order for this feature to function properly, it is necessary for the SE Request component to be part of the solutions acquired by your organizations.
In the Request type field, select the type that will classify the requests referring to overtime. The request types displayed on the selection screen may vary according to the permissions granted in their security list in the SE Request component. Refer to the component-specific documentation for more details on configuring request types.
Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new request type, edit the data of the selected request type and clear the field.
It will not be necessary to issue requests to enter overtime in the actions of this category.