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Defining a metadata type

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To define a type for the metadata, perform the following steps:


1.Access the Configuration Document Metadata export menu.


2.Select the record to be exported and click on the button.


3.On the side button bar, click on the button to add a metadata or on the button to edit an existing one.


4.On the screen that will be opened, in the Type field, the following options will be available for selection:


Object property: The metadata will be a property of a document recorded in the system. In the Item field, select the value that the metadata will have:



Category ID #

The value will be the ID # of the document category to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.

Category name

The value will be the name of the document category to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.

ID #

The value will be the ID # of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.


The value will be the title of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.


The value will be the ID # of the revision of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.

Revision date

The value will be the date of the revision of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs. In the Format field, select the desired format that will be enabled.

Revision time

The value will be the release time of the revision of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.


The value will be the name of the author of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.

Record user

The value will be the name of the responsible for the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs. In the Format field that will be enabled, select the desired data of the responsible for the document.


The value will be the summary of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.


The value will be the validity of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs. In the Format field, select the desired format that will be enabled.

File name

The value will be the name of the electronic file that uses the metadata.

Digital signature

If the electronic file is digitally signed, the value of the metadata will be the "Document signed digitally" text.


The value will be the current status of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.

Copy station

The value will be the name of the copy station responsible for distributing the copies of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.

Revalidation date

The value will be the current revalidation date of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs. In the Format field, select the desired format that will be enabled.

Where used

The value will be the ID # and title of the document where the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs is used (it is part of its structure). If the document is part of the structure of more than one document, these documents will be displayed separated by ';'.

Composed of

The value will be the ID # and title of the document that composes the structure of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs. If the document has more than one document in its structure, these documents will be displayed separated by ';'.


Attribute: The metadata will be an attribute recorded in the system. In the Attribute field, select the attribute whose value will be used also in the docvariable of the electronic file. If the selected attribute is of the "List of values" type, the value will be used without translation, that is, the translated values will not be applied to the docvariables.


Logged user: The metadata will be data from the user logged in the system. In the Item field, select the value that the metadata will have:




The value of the metadata will be the login of the user logged into the system.


The metadata value will be the name of the user logged into the system.


Revision data: The metadata will be a data of the revision through which the document created in the system is going. In the Item field, select the value that the metadata will have:




The value will be the status of the revision of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.

Record date

The value will be the date of the record of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs. In the Format field, select the desired format that will be enabled.


The value will be the record of the changes performed in the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs during the revision.


The value will be the name of the drafter of the revision of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.

In the Format field that will be enabled, select the option that corresponds to the way the drafter data will be displayed. If the selected option has "Date", in the Date format field that will be displayed, select the desired date format.

In the Separator field, parameterize how the drafter information will be separated if the revision has more than one drafter configured. Any desired separator can be entered: semicolon, comma, backslash and the word "enter" (line break) etc.


The value will be the name of the reviewer of the revision of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.

In the Format field that will be enabled, select the option that corresponds to the way the reviewer data will be displayed. If the selected option has "Date", in the Date format field that will be displayed, select the desired date format.

In the Separator field, parameterize how the reviewer information will be separated if the revision has more than one reviewer configured. Any desired separator can be entered: semicolon, comma, backslash and the word "enter" (line break) etc.


The value will be the name of the approver of the revision of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.

In the Format field that will be enabled, select the option that corresponds to the way the approver data will be displayed. If the selected option has "Date", in the Date format field that will be displayed, select the desired date format.

In the Separator field, parameterize how the approver information will be separated if the revision has more than one approver configured. Any desired separator can be entered: semicolon, comma, backslash and the word "enter" (line break) etc.


The value will be the name of the releaser of the revision of the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs.

In the Format field that will be enabled, select the option that corresponds to the way the releaser data will be displayed. If the selected option has "Date", in the Date format field that will be displayed, select the desired date format.

In the Separator field, parameterize how the releaser information will be separated if the revision has more than one releaser configured. Any desired separator can be entered: semicolon, comma, backslash and the word "enter" (line break) etc.

Change history

The value will be the record of changes made to the document to which the electronic file that uses the metadata belongs, during the current revision and all previous revisions.


Workflow activity data: The metadata will be an activity of an instantiated process related to the document. In the Process/Activity field, select the desired activity of a certain process. In the Item field, select the value that the metadata will have:



Activity name

The metadata value will be the name of the previously selected activity.

Executor name

The value of the metadata will be the name of the executor of the previously selected activity.

Executor department

The value of the metadata will be the department to which the executor of the previously selected activity belongs.

Executor position

The value of the metadata will be the position exerted by the executor of the previously selected activity.

Execution date

The metadata value is the date on which the previously selected activity was performed.


Form data: The metadata will be an entity of the form associated with the document. In the Entity field, select the entity of a determined form that you wish to use. Then, select the Entity field whose value will also be used in the docvariable of the electronic file.


Training data: The metadata will be given by a training performed via SE Training. Thus, the configured metadata will be associated with the category that will be used to create the training participant certificates. In the Item field, select the value that the metadata will have:



ID #

The value of the metadata will be the training ID #.


The value of the metadata will be the training name.

ID # of course

The value of the metadata will be the ID # of the training course.

Name of course

The value of the metadata will be the name of the training course.

Start date

The value of the metadata will be the start date of the training execution. In the Format field, select the desired format that will be enabled.

End date

The value of the metadata will be the end date of the training execution. In the Format field, select the desired format that will be enabled.


The value of the metadata will be the workload of the training execution.

ID # of educational entity

The value of the metadata will be the ID # of the educational entity that gave the training.

Name of educational entity

The value of the metadata will be the name of the educational entity that gave the training.

Extra signature

The value of the metadata will be the name of the person entered in the "Extra signature" field of training data.


The value of the metadata will be the content of the training course. If the course has more than one content, a listing with the content approached in training will be displayed.


Instructor data: The metadata will be the instructor that has given the document training. The training can have more than one configured instructor. In that case, the values corresponding to the number of instructors will be displayed, separated by ','. In the Item field, select the value that the metadata will have:



User ID

The value of the metadata will be the ID of the user who is giving the training.


The value of the metadata will be the name of the user who is giving the training.


The value of the metadata will be the department of the user who is giving the training.


The value of the metadata will be the position of the user who is giving the training.


The value of the metadata will be the workload of the user who is giving the training.


Participant data: The metadata will be the participant of the document training. The training can have more than one participant, but the certificate will be generated to each individual user. In the Item field, select the value that the metadata will have:



User ID

The value of the metadata will be the ID of the user who has taken part in the training.


The value of the metadata will be the name of the user who has taken part in the training.


The value of the metadata will be the department of the user who has taken part in the training.


The value of the metadata will be the position of the user who has taken part in the training


The value of the metadata will be the score of the user who has taken part in the training.


The value of the metadata will be the attendance of the user in the training.


Save the changes.