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Cancelling a printed copy

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It is possible to cancel printed copies that have been issued by a protocol. Cancellations may be due to several reasons, either to replace obsolete copies, because copies have not been used or to replace the copies that have been damaged, etc.


It is important to point out that:

In order to access this menu, the logged user is REQUIRED to have the Distribute copy control enabled in the security list of the document that will have its printed copies cancelled.

Only "Controlled Copies" protocols can be cancelled.


See below how to perform the cancellation:


1.Access the Management Copy Cancellation menu.

In the first quadrant, the search filters, which allow you to find the desired controls more easily, are displayed. The second quadrant displays the documents recorded in the system according to the logged user permissions, while the third quadrant displays the copy stations with which the documents in the second quadrant are associated, in the revisions it went through.


2.Then, locate and select, in the list of records of the second quadrant, the document whose copies will be cancelled.


3.Thus, the third quadrant will display the revisions of the selected document. Select the revision that corresponds to the copies that will be cancelled and click on the button on the second quadrant toolbar.


4.At this point, the system will display the copy data screen. The following fields are available:

Category: Displays the category that classifies the document whose copies will be cancelled.

ID #: Displays the ID # of the document whose copies will be cancelled.

Revision: Displays the ID # of the revision of the document whose copies will be cancelled.

Title: Displays the name of the document whose copies will be cancelled.

Copy station: Displays the copy station with which the document is associated.

In use: Displays the number of the printed copies that are in the station with which the document is associated.

Cancelled: Displays the number of printed copies that will be cancelled.


5.The following tabs are also available:


In this tab, it is possible to specify how many printed copies of the document are to be cancelled. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to add the number of copies you wish to cancel. On the screen that will be opened, define the responsible party for cancelling the copies and the number of copies to be cancelled. It is possible to enter comments on the cancellation. Done this, save the record.

Click on this button to edit the number of copies to be cancelled from the cancellation protocol selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to delete the cancellation protocol selected in the list of records.



In this tab, the system will list all the copy protocols that will send the document revision (selected on the third quadrant of the main screen) to the corresponding station. Click on this button to view the data of selected copy protocol.


6.Save the record after performing the necessary configurations.


If the resulting number of copies in use is less than the number of copies specified for the station in the document data and the revision is current, the system will automatically generate the Send printed copies task to the user responsible for the distribution so that they can be replaced.