Revision requires training (default)
When creating a revision, on its data screen, the Revision requires training (default) option will be displayed as checked by the system.
The Revision requires training (default) will not be checked by the system during the creation of a new revision. If necessary, the revision manager can check it at a later time.
Publication acknowledgment equals training (Self-training)
If it is configured in the category that its documents will have training and publication acknowledgment, executing the Publication acknowledgment task will be considered as performing a training. If this option is checked and, instead of performing the Publication acknowledgment task, a training (SE Training) is performed, the system will automatically execute the publication acknowledgment.
The user must perform the document training through the SE Training component. The publication acknowledgment will not count as training.
Create self-training of the related course upon releasing the revision
A self-training of the course related to the document will be created for users with "training" permission in the document/category security, or users who have the required course for their positions, when releasing the revision for training.
When releasing the revision, the self-training will not be created for users with the "training" permission.
Restrict training record by organizational unit
The trainings related to the documents of this category may only be recorded by organizational unit. To do that, the user must have the "Create training" control enabled in the document security and be part of the unit control team of the organizational (SE Administration) whose members need training.
The trainings can be created by the users who have the "Create training" control enabled in the document security, regardless of their organizational unit.
Use specific team for new revisions
The trainings of users with permission during document revision can only be recorded by a specific team.
In the field that will be enabled, select the desired team. The members of the selected team must have permission to "Create training" in the document security.
For users who are added to the security after the document is released, the training registration will be performed by the control team of the organizational unit.
The trainings will be created by the defined organizational unit (if any) or by the users who have the "Create training" control enabled in the document security.
Only qualified instructors in the revision
When creating a revision, on its data screen, the Only qualified instructors in the revision option will be displayed as checked by the system.
The Only qualified instructors in the revision will not be checked by the system during the creation of a new revision. If necessary, the revision manager can check it at a later time.
Keep current revision training record task
If it is configured that the revision will start after the approval and there is a training to be recorded regarding the current (released) revision, the system will keep the training related to the current revision and create a new one related to the new revision that was approved.
If it is configured that the revision will start after the approval and there is a training to be recorded regarding the current (released) revision, the system will only keep the training related to the new revision that was approved, deleting the task related to the current revision.