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Occurrence cancellation

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Location: Management arrowrgray Occurrence cancellation



The "Allow occurrence to be cancelled" option checked in the occurrence classification.



Through this menu, the user with the due permission may cancel occurrences and reactivate cancelled occurrences. Cancelled occurrences can be identified, in the list of records, by the ic_cancelado icon.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to search for the occurrence you wish to cancel. The system will only display the occurrences whose classifications allow them to be cancelled. The automatic search can be configured in the general parameters.


Click on this button to clear the information entered in the search filters located on the left side of the main screen.


Click on this button to display/hide the search filters located on the left side on the main screen. Use them to easily find the records through specific information.

bt_visualizar dados

Click on this button to view the data of the occurrence selected in the list of records.


Click on this button to cancel/reactivate the occurrence selected in the list of records. See further details in the Changing the occurrence status section.