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The list of records in this menu displays all imported records in SE Suite components, allowing for their monitoring and enabling the correction of imports that did not obtain the desired result. The correction will be performed by exporting all data to an .xls file. After the correction, it is possible to import the corrected data again.


If the scheduling data screen has the "Remove successfully executed imports" option checked, the records imported through it will not be presented in this menu.

The ADINTERFACE table is a table where the records of all imports are saved for later use. It can be fed directly through the database (where information is added by third-party systems), through automatic import by the "import" directory, as well as through an XLS/XLSX file directly imported by the user via this menu.

Refer to the Warnings on spreadsheet import for more information on the precautions that must be taken when creating the spreadsheet to be imported.

Further information about the import options may be found in the SE Suite - Integration Guide document.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to delete the selected imported record.


Click on this button to import records from an xls/xlsx file. See how to perform this operation in the Importing a spreadsheet section.


Click on this button to export a template of the (unfilled) Excel spreadsheet to make an import.


Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.


Click on this button to export the records shown in the listing to an Excel spreadsheet for the necessary corrections to be made. See further details about this operation in the Error correction section.


Use the fields in the General filter to locate the desired records through specific information. To use them, go to the Search filters panel and click on the addfilter button to add filters. The following fields are available:

Component: Expand the list of options and check the "components - license type" in which the desired import was performed. Use the other buttons next to the field to check all available options and clear the checked options.

Scheduling ID #: If the import was made through a scheduling, enter its ID #.

Import type: Expand the list of options and check the options that correspond to the type of imported data in the desired import. Use the other buttons next to the field to check all available options and clear the checked options.

Status: Expand the list of options and check the options that correspond to the import status: new, in progress, closed or error.

Execution date: In the "Last __ day(s)" field, enter the quantity of days prior to the current date that covers the date of the execution of the desired import. If you prefer, use the "Start" and "End" fields to select the date range that covers the date on which the import was performed.

After entering the required filters, click on the SEARCH button in the 'Search filters' panel or press the ENTER key on your keyboard. The result will be displayed on the right-side of the view screen. For more details about the 'Search panel' and other search operations, see the "User Guide arrowrgrayy Views" section.