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Defining the team security

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The team security can be defined when adding or editing it. To do that, perform the following steps:


1.In the Security tab of the team data screen, enable the desired option:

Private: Only the responsible parties(1) defined on this screen will be able to edit or view the team. To do that, in the Edit and View columns, define who will be able to perform these operations(2).

Public: All system users will be able to view the team, but only the responsible parties defined in the Edit column will be able to perform this operation(2) (3).

2.After that, save the record.


1 - Responsible parties are those that can be added to the security list, that is: a user, a team, a department, or a position.

2 - To add a responsible party to the security list, simply type the desired name in the available field and select the corresponding option in the list that will be displayed or press "Enter" on the keyboard. To delete a responsible party from the security list, click on the delete_smally button located next to the desired record.

3 - If the team security is Public, the "View" column will be disabled, since the team can be viewed by any user.

The user who created the team and the system admin will always have permission to access the record, even if they are not added in this tab.