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Creating a department

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To add a new department, click on the arrow next to the new button and select the Department option. To edit the data of a department, select it in the main screen hierarchy and click on the edit button.


On the data screen that will open up, the following fields will be available:






ID #

Enter a number or code to identify the department.


Enter a name for the department.

Upper organizational unit

Fill out this field for the department to be hierarchically added below another organizational unit. In this case, select the desired department or business unit. If an organizational unit is selected in the main screen hierarchy, this field will be filled out by the system, but it will be possible to edit it.

Control team

Fill out this field to define that the members of a certain team may view the records regarding users that belong to the department in the SE Administration, SE Competence and SE Training components, as long as they have access to the respective menus. The team set in this field complements the team set in the general parameters (if any).

If this field is not filled out and a control team is not defined in the general parameters either, the configurations performed in the "Allow logged user to view records from" field of the general parameters will be valid.


After saving the record for the first time, the following tabs will be available:

hmtoggle_arrow1Default access groups


After performing the necessary configurations, save the record.