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Evaluation result acknowledgment

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Evaluation result acknowledgment

Who receives it:

Evaluated employee.

Evaluated leader of the employee, if the "Generate review automatically option is enabled in the Configurations arrowrgray Review section in the cycle data of the evaluation plan execution.


The employee feedback procedures are closed, as long as the "Release result only after feedback" option is enabled in the evaluation plan execution cycle data.

The release date is reached, as long as the "Set date for evaluation result release" option is enabled in the evaluation plan cycle data.

The review is performed, be it automatically or manually.


To allow employees and leaders to view the review evaluation result. This task will only be generated if the "Generate evaluation result acknowledgment task" option is enabled in the Configurations arrowrgray General settings section in the cycle data of the evaluation plan execution.


How to execute this task:



In the list of pending records, locate and select the appraiser who performed the review evaluation. The automatically generated reviews will be assembled in a single grouper.



1_auxnmbTo view the result of the evaluation, select the desired evaluation and click on the view button on the toolbar.



To confirm the acknowledgment of the evaluation result, select the desired evaluation and click on the default button on the toolbar. To select more than one evaluation at a time, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys on the keyboard, or the checkbox next to each record.



After confirming the system request, the evaluation is no longer displayed in the list of pending records.