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Starting the execution of a goal plan cycle

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The cycles of the goal plan that have been planned must have their execution started. To do that, perform the following steps:


1.First, find and select the desired goal plan from the list of records in the second quadrant.


2.In the list of records on the third quadrant, select the cycle whose execution you wish to start. The cycles with the "Start" status may be identified by the power icon in the S column.


3.After that, click on the edit button on the side toolbar.


4.At this point, the goal plan execution data screen will open. In the General data arrowrgray Execution section, enter the start date for the execution of the cycle. If desired, it is also possible to edit the responsible team for execution. The other fields on the screen will be displayed with the information entered during the cycle planning. For more specific details, access the Adding a goal plan cycle section.





5.After doing that, save the record. At this point, the cycle status will change to "Execution". The Goal plan execution task will be created for the configured due responsible parties.