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Inspecting the receiving characteristics

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In the Inspection section, all the characteristics of the receiving that is being inspected are listed on the inspection data screen:




Click on the Inspect button located at the end of the line that corresponds to the characteristic that will be inspected. At this point, the section is expanded, showing the other fields related to the characteristic.


In the event of variable characteristic: Enter, in the respective field, (2) the value obtained in the reading of the characteristic. The following information will be available for this type of characteristic:

Cycle: This section represents the reading cycle. Reading can have more than one cycle, according to the sampling plan configured for the inspection in question.

Sample size: This field displays the sample size to be read.

Ac: This field displays the number of items that can be accepted, regarding the sampling rule configured for the inspection.

Re: This field displays the number of items that can be rejected, regarding the sampling rule configured for the inspection.

PPM: In this field will be displayed, after entering the reading data, the result of the calculation of the PPM (Part per million) obtained from the inspection of the characteristic.

In the event of attributive characteristic: Enter, in the respective fields the (Defective items and rejected items), the values obtained with the characteristic reading. The following information will be available for this type of characteristic:

Cycle: This section represents the reading cycle. Reading can have more than one cycle, according to the sampling plan configured for the inspection in question.

Sample size: This field displays the sample size to be read.

Defective items: Enter the number of sample defective items. This number may not exceed the size of the sample.

Rejected items: Enter the number of sample rejected items. This number may not exceed the number of defective items.

Ac: This field displays the number of items that can be accepted, regarding the sampling rule configured for the inspection.

Re: This field displays the number of items that can be rejected, regarding the sampling rule configured for the inspection.

Defects: In this section must be entered the number of each defect displayed in the characteristic, along with the respective comments.

PPM: In this field will be displayed, after entering the reading data, the result of the calculation of the PPM (Part per million) obtained from the inspection of the characteristic.


Fill in the following information relating to the service center responsible for reading the characteristic:

Service center: Select the name of the service center responsible for the characteristics inspection

Responsible: Select the user name responsible for the measurements. Remember that it is only possible to select one responsible user when the service center is entered.

Comments: Click on the button and enter the necessary comments about the inspection.


Fill in the following information regarding the characteristic:

Gages: Associate the gages used by the service center during the inspections of the characteristic in question. On the gage screen, click on the button and on the selection screen that will be opened, locate and select the desired gages with assistance from the search filters.

Attachments: Add or import trough this section, the attachments related to the inspection in question. Refer to the Adding attachments section for further details on how to add and/or associate attachments.

Documents: Add or associate, through this section, the documents related to the item in question. Refer to the Adding documents section for further details on how to add and/or associate documents from SE Document.


Click on the "Hide" button to collapse the characteristic section that was inspected. Repeat this procedure for all the receiving characteristics.