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Article creation

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To create an article, access the "File arrowrgray Article" menu, click on the new button and select the knowledge base in which the article will be published. To edit an article that has already been released, it will be necessary to enable its editing or create a new revision. For more details on these operations, refer to the Article revision section. The screen of the article in edit mode will be displayed as follows:




Fill out the following fields:

ID #: Enter the article ID #.

Name: Enter the name of the article according to the selected language. Note that, by switching the language, the ID # of the article does not change, but the Name and the Content do, that is, the article will be displayed according to the language in which the system is being used.

Responsible: Enter the user responsible for the article. During creation, this field is automatically filled out with the logged user (who is creating it), but it can be edited by another user.

Knowledge base: This field displays the knowledge base in which the article is or will be recorded.

Category: Enter the category that classifies the article content.

Language: This option displays the language of the article. The displayed languages are the languages enabled in the knowledge base.


If the knowledge base in which the article will be created has attributes configured, it will be possible to select them in Attributes.

