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External application configuration

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See below how to configure the use of an external application in a system activity.


First, it is necessary that the flowchart is modeled with a system activity and that the external application to be executed is properly recorded in the system. Access the data of the system activity through the flowchart, check the "External application" option and click on the External application configuration button that will be displayed.




To create or edit an external application use the "File arrowrgrayy Application arrowrgrayy External application" menu.


On the external application configuration screen, fill out the following fields:




External application: Select the external application that will be executed by the system activity.

When failure occurs: Select one of the following options to perform exception treatment, that is, what the system should do if an error occurs with the execution of the external application:

Ignore and continue the process: Select this option if it is not required to interrupt process execution or run an error event.

Stop the execution of the process: Select this option to have the system stop running the process as soon as an error occurs in the external application.

Trigger an error event: Select this option to have the system run an error event as soon as an error occurs with the external application. By clicking on this option, the Target field will remain enabled, allowing the target definition (configured in the task) to run if any error occurs in the external application. In this field will be presented the targets (activities, decisions, gateways, events etc.) of output flows of the activity that have been configured with the "Error" exception path. See more details about this configuration in the Flows (connectors) section.


Click on the Save button to save the external application configuration. Also save the activity data so that the configuration is applied to the activity.