Navigation:  Configuration > Palette >

Creating a palette

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See how to do it:



On the main screen toolbar, click on the new button.



Fill out the following fields on the data screen that will open up:




ID #: Enter a number/code to the palette.

Name: Enter a name to the palette.



On the General tab select the diagram Type where the palette will be used: BPMN, Macro-process or Flowchart. Enter a Description for the palette as well.



Save the record, but do not close data screen; at this point, the Security control tab will be enabled.



On the Security control tab, configure the user access to the selected palette. To do so, click on the new button and on the screen that will open up, fill out the following fields:

Access type: Select how the group will be composed according to palette access rights:

User: A specific user will have access to the palette.

Public: All system users will have access to the palette.

Organizational unit: Users in an organizational unit or organizational department will have palette access.

Control: Select the controls that will be granted, or not, to the members of the access group. Do not forget to check, on the right-side of this field, if the accesses will be allowed or denied:

Load palette automatically: Palette will be loaded automatically to members of the access group.

Search fields: Fill out the search fields according to the access type selected previously, in order to easily retrieve users that will have access to the dynamic navigator.


Hold the CTRL or SHIFT key or the checkbox next to each record, to select more than a record at a time. Select the desired users and save the selection.



Save the record.