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SE GanttChart

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SE GanttChart consists in the graphical representation of information related to the project schedule. Because of that, it is available in SE Suite through the SE Project component, on the project planning, approval, tracking, evaluation, and view main screens, and also on the task execution main screens. Note that, in some menus, it will be displayed for viewing only; whereas in other menus, responsible parties and stakeholders may edit the data. See how to access this resource:


1.In the list of records on the main screen, locate and select the desired project.


2.After that, click on the button on the toolbar:


3.When accessing SE GanttChart for the first time, the system will display a screen explaining that, in order to open the files more easily the next time, it is necessary to authorize the execution of the application in the browser. Use the "OK, I got it!" option that will appear at the bottom of the screen. At this point, the .jnlp file will be downloaded, and it must be executed manually.


4.Done that, on the next accesses to SE GanttChart, a screen informing that an external application to the browser is being opened will be displayed. With that, it will no longer be necessary to repeat the procedure described in step 03. By default, the system will download and execute the .jnlp file automatically, making it easy to access SE GanttChart. If this does not happen, the "Click to open" button will be available to manually open SE GanttChart.


5.Wait for the component to load.


6.If the project that wishes to access SE GanttChart is a master project, i.e., if it has subprojects in its structure, the system will display a screen to define what operations can be performed on the subprojects. To do that, use the following columns:

View: Check this option to make it possible to expand the subproject structure and view the tasks that make it up along with its data, but it will not be possible to edit them. In the chart, the bars that represent the tasks will be displayed in gray.

Edit: Check this option to make it possible to expand the subproject structure and edit or view the tasks that make it up along with its data. In the chart, the bars representing the tasks will be displayed in the color defined for them. Remember that, in order to edit a subproject, it is necessary that, in its data screen, the "Allow this project to be edited by master project leader?" option is checked.


If none of the columns is checked, the project will be displayed collapsed, i.e., the tasks that make it up will not be displayed. In the chart, it will be displayed in a single bar, in gray.

When a subproject is not opened for editing and some change in the master project schedule is made, the subproject will be outdated as a result of the unrealized calculations. With that, when closing the saved master project, the system will ask whether the user wishes to update its subprojects.

The toolbar button of the Planning or Tracking menus allows recalculating the timeline of an outdated project, whenever necessary. Outdated projects may be identified by the icon in the D column.

After the execution or verification of tasks from an outdated project, the system will always trigger the update process of that project's schedule. Remember that the execution and verification tasks may only be performed if the project is unblocked.

Outdated projects may not be sent to the next step before being updated, so that the next management steps are always performed based on up-to-date values.


7.At this point, SE GanttChart will be displayed. See further details on how the screen is displayed in the Interface section.