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Quick search and Full text search

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It is possible to quickly search for system records in two ways. One is through the Full text search, which allows searching for all records created in the system, regardless of the component. For more details on how to use this search, access the  section.





Another way to perform searches in the system is by using the "Search filters" panel, which is displayed in all system menus. This panel has a Quick search allows you to quickly find a record through words in its name/title, description and content of its attachments or electronic files. To do that, simply type the desired information and click on the Search button in the panel. The result will be displayed on the main screen. See an example below:




Every attachment/electronic file with .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .txt and .rtf extensions that is associated with a system record will have its content indexed and will be able to be searched.


View the following subsections for more information on system searches:

General considerations

How to perform quick searches

How to perform advanced searches

SE Suite indexing and search standards