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SE Survey contains everything needed to easily develop, execute, and extract information from surveys, polls, and electronic forms throughout the company to speed decisions up and assist employees, suppliers, stakeholders, and customers.

Voice of the customer, employee motivation, market research, academic knowledge, customer satisfaction - all these business needs in a single solution, reducing costs, simplifying operations and increasing global responsiveness.


SE Survey is divided in the following menus:



Allows configuring teams that may compose the security of survey templates and types, as well as templates, attributes, checklists, identification masks, dynamic navigators, and the general parameters of this component. It also allows configuring responsibility routes for the revision of the survey templates.



Allows creating templates and surveys.



Allows planning surveys and revising templates.



Allows executing the surveys and answering them.



Allows viewing surveys, responses, and tasks.


For a better understanding about the features of the SE Survey component, access our Training Store and get the full online training.

If you are subscribed to the Infinity plan, which offers full access to courses, access the training of this component through the Infinity learning option in the Help center.

Refer to the Quick guide to learn about the basic operations of SE Survey in a quick and easy way!