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Flowchart record

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See a quick and easy way of configuring a flowchart in the "Create a flowchart" topic of the SE Kanban Quick Guide!


To create or edit a flowchart, access the "File arrowrgray Flowchart" menu.

Then, click on the new button to create a new flowchart or on the edit button to edit the flowchart selected on the main screen.

On the screen that will be displayed, enter the Name of the flowchart and use the other tabs to configure it:





Use this tab to define the steps the flowchart tasks will go through. To do that, drag the unmapped steps to a flowchart lane.

Starter: Drag to this lane the step that defines the initial status of the tasks. Only one step can be dragged to this lane, as the system only allows one initial step.

Steps: Drag to this lane the execution steps of the tasks. Several steps can be dragged to this lane.

End points: Drag to this lane the steps that define the closure of the tasks. Several steps can be dragged to this lane.


After determining all steps that the flowchart tasks will go through, it is possible to define the sequencing of the tasks through the flow, allowing the user to control to which statuses the flow may go from a certain step, ensuring, for example, that a task is not finished without going through all necessary steps.

To perform this configuration, click on the edit_small_bt button next to each step and determine the flow between steps, as shown in the image below:




If the flowchart is already being used in a workspace and a step is deleted from the flowchart, the system may display an alert if there are tasks in the deleted step. On the screen of this alert, a new step must be selected to replace the deleted step. The tasks that were in the deleted step will automatically be updated to the new step.



Associate, in this tab, the attributes that must be filled out during task execution. The attributes will be displayed as task fields as soon as a task type with this flowchart is selected (the association of flowcharts with the task type is performed in the workspace configurations).


It is important to point out that, after associating the flowchart with a task type in the "Task flow" section of the workspace, the attribute section will be disabled for the association of new attributes.


Where used

This tab will display the locations in which the flowchart is used. By clicking on the card, it is possible to track the details of the objects that use it.


Click on the save button to save the flowchart or on the save_exit button to save and close the screen.