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Executing a revision

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1.After the revision has been created, those responsible will receive a task for the revision of the object. To do this, go to the revision task and do the necessary changes. The execution of the revision can also be performed through the Activity execution task in SE Workflow.



2.Fill in all the information required in the process activity. Then, click on the button in the Actions sections, that corresponds to the action to be taken with the execution of the activity in question. Remembering that the required information and actions that can be performed on the activity vary depending on the configurations that are made during process modeling.


In the revision of a document with a category that has an associated form, it will be possible to fill it out when executing the revision through the "Edit form" button. It will be available in the button panel on the right side of the "Revision document" section on the execution screen.


3.At this point, the flow continues to the next activity. After the responsible users for the revision steps have performed all the process activities, the object revision is terminated unless the manual shutdown for the revision has been configured. In this case, it will be necessary to execute the closing step to end the revision of the object. This step will be presented in the component revision task.