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Off-line start

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From system version 2.1.9 onwards, it is possible to use the SoftExpert Workflow application to start processes and fill out forms while off-line.


For a process to be available for use in the application while off-line, it is necessary to create it with a specific configuration enabled. Learn more about the configuration that enables the process to be used while off-line. Refer to the Editing process data General process data Automation section in the SE Process component manual.


In the automation section of a process with off-line use enabled, it is possible to select a responsive form to be filled out while off-line in the application. To do so, it is also necessary for the form to have a specific configuration selected in its record. Learn more about the configuration that enables the form to be filled out while off-line. Refer to step H of the Responsive form designer topic in the SE Form component manual.