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Release Notes

Navigation: Release notes 2.1.4

Data Integration

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Parallel document import (ADINTERFACE - DCDOC)

As previously notified in the version 2.1.3 release, a new import option (ADINTERFACE) has been made available, called "parallel import". However, in version 2.1.3, only the SoftExpert Workflow, SoftExpert Incident, and SoftExpert Problem components had their interfaces compatible with this new model. Now, in version 2.1.4, the SoftExpert Document component also uses this new parallel import feature. Consequently, documents can be created in a parallel way in the loads of new documents in SE Suite, reducing the time for large document loads.


Data import by spreadsheet (ADINTERFACE) via Web Service

A new method has been developed to allow uploading data for the data load feature (ADINTERFACE) via web service. In other words, it will now be possible for the customer to send data in spreadsheets in the ADINTERFACE model through web service requests. For more details about this feature, refer to the XLS file structure definition section of the Integration guide.


Previous versions

View also the improvements made to this component in previous versions: