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Release Notes

List all plan activities under planning in the scheduling task

Up until version 2.1.2, the system would perform a validation of the plan activity sequence - for the activities in the planning step that were related to plans (verification, preventive maintenance and calibration) - displaying one activity at a time, the oldest, in the scheduling task menu.

With the objective of broadening the possibility of scheduling via the task menu, customers that wish to perform several schedulings of activities from the same plan, before any execution, may enable a parameter in the system that will allow listing all plan activities under planning, regardless of their sequence.

It is worth remembering that the parameter is valid only for the Activity programming task, for activities associated with a plan, and that it impacts the three components: SoftExpert Asset, SoftExpert Maintenance and SoftExpert Calibration.

The rules for sending activities to the next step, controlling the activity execution according to the plan activity sequence and the management structure through the menus of the components remain unchanged.




Previous versions

View also the improvements made to this component in previous versions: