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The Structure vision displays the tools to manipulate the elements and indicators that compose the scorecard, divided in the following sections:



Display inactive

Click on this button so that all inactive elements and indicators are also displayed in the scorecard structure.

Record data


Click on the arrow located under this option and select the desired alternative:

Add: Allows creating a new element in a topic set in the framework associated with the scorecard. In this case, click on the type that will classify the element to be included. This option will only be displayed if the framework associated with the scorecard has a type associated in the Structure tab. On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the element. Fill out the other general data and required attributes and save the record.

Associate: Allows associating an element already created in a type set in the framework related to the scorecard and add it to its structure. To do this, select the Element option. On the screen that will open, enter an ID # and select the desired element. Fill out the other general data and required attributes and save the record.

See a detailed description on how to fill out the other fields on the element data screen in the Configuring elements in the scorecard structure section.


Click on the arrow located under this option and select the desired alternative:

Add: Allows creating a new indicator and adding it to the scorecard structure. Refer to the Creating an indicator section for a detailed description on how to fill the fields on the screen that will be opened. After adding the indicator, it must be configured in the scorecard structure.

Associate: Allows you to associate a previously created indicator with the scorecard structure. On the screen that will open, enter an ID # and select the desired indicator. Fill out the other general data and required attributes and save the record. See a detailed description on how to fill out the other fields on the indicator data screen in the Configuring indicators in the scorecard structure section.


Click on the arrow below this option and select the corresponding option to link an indicator or a scorecard to the scorecard structure. To do this, select the level of the structure (scorecard or element) in which the link will be created and on the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the scorecard/indicator you want. The data of the linked scorecard/indicator cannot be edited.


Click on this button to access the target value and measurement screen. See further details in the Target/Measurement section.

It is also possible to add elements, indicators and sub-indicators to the scorecard structure by importing an .xls spreadsheet.



Click on this button to associate the indicators and elements of other scorecards with the structure of the scorecard in question, through the association wizard. See more details in the Association wizard section.


Click on this button to edit the data of the scorecard, element or indicator selected in the structure. See, in the following sections, the detailed description of the data screen of each item:

Adding a scorecard

Configuring elements in the scorecard structure

Configuring indicators in the scorecard structure


Click on this button to delete the selected element or indicator from the structure.

Change status

Click on this button to enable or disable the record selected in the structure. To view the inactive records, click on the respective option in the "Filter" palette.


Click on this button to cut the element or indicator selected in the structure to later paste it into another location of the structure.


Click on this button to copy the element or indicator selected in the structure to later paste it into another location of the structure.


Click on this option to paste a cut/copied element or indicator at the level below the scorecard or element selected in the structure. Note that the elements may not be pasted on indicators.

Edit order

Click on this button to reorganize the scorecard structure. To do this, on the screen that will be opened, use the buttons on the sidebar to sort the list of elements and indicators as desired or click on the corresponding option to organize them alphabetically.



Click on the arrow below this option and select the corresponding alternative to export the elements, indicators or sub-indicators from the scorecard structure to an .xls spreadsheet. Note that the export-generated spreadsheet can be used as a template to subsequently perform an import of these items.


Click on this button to expand the entire scorecard structure.


Click on this button to collapse the entire scorecard structure.


The availability of the buttons described above will depend on the permissions granted in the security of the scorecard.