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The way to enroll participants in trainings will vary according to the training type:


The participant must be enrolled when adding the training, before saving the record for the first time. SE Training allows the association of several users, aiming to create several individual trainings simultaneously. See how to associate a participant with an individual training below.


If the training is restricted, the enrollment can only be carried out by the control team during the planning step through the "Participant" section.

Otherwise, the enrollment of participants may be performed when adding the training (both in the planning and in the execution step). In this case, in the "Participants" section of the training data screen, participants may be added or imported from an .xls spreadsheet. See how to perform the enrollment in each case below.

Enrolling participants in non-restricted trainings can also be performed through the Training enrollment menu or through widgets.


See below how to enroll employees through the Participant section of the training data screen:


Check the "Remain on the screen" option, next to the "Save" button on the addition screen, so that the screen remains open when saving the record.


hmtoggle_arrow1Enrolling a participant in an individual training
hmtoggle_arrow1Enrolling participants in a collective training
hmtoggle_arrow1Importing participants to a collective training