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Task verification

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Task verification

Who receives it:

User and team responsible for the task.


The execution of a task with a verification step configured is closed.


Allow the responsible party to confirm whether the execution of a determined task is in accordance with the pre-established objectives.


How to execute this task:



In the list of pending records, select the desired task.



After that, click on the default button on the toolbar.



At this point, the nonproject task data screen will open.



The General data arrowrgray Attribute arrowrgray Verification section will only be displayed in the navigation panel if, on the Attribute data screen tab of the request, a verification attribute is associated. In that case, enter the values of the displayed attributes. Required attributes must, necessarily, have their values filled in. The way to enter an attribute varies according to the configurations set when creating it.


View the other data of the nonproject task to ensure it has been executed correctly.



In the Verification section, fill in the following fields:

Verification date: This field is filled with the current date, but it is possible to edit it. In that case, select the date on which the verification effectively occurred.

Acceptance: View the other task data and select the "Yes" option to accept or the "No" option to reject the task execution:

Comments: Enter important information about the task verification. If the task execution is rejected, filling in this field is mandatory. In that case, enter an explanation for rejecting the task.



After that, save the record.



If the task execution is rejected, it returns to the Task execution task to the due responsible party to execute it again.



If the task execution is accepted, it will be finished. The task effectiveness verification may also be performed through the Execution arrowrgray Task verification menu.